Dear Holy GodFather We are sorry if We said Words In our own - TopicsExpress


Dear Holy GodFather We are sorry if We said Words In our own faith and action Which in turn caused our reaction To say what? We willed to say. We dont like hurting You With the truth and We are sorry if We did hurt You but sometimes God needs to be told off too. Yes You are alive and living just as We are now awaiting you home now. We are not like others Waiting for You No there is a difference now. We are AWAITING YOU JESUS Christ SATAN TOO. AMEN. KNOWN. WE just will a quiet peaceful life now We know injustice is owed now so We await for that too now. God JESUS Christ said God Speed now To the ones overcame now is now. God Father Son King JESUS and Satan too now Christ said We are sorry for the way(s) Things are between Us. We cant live with our own self If We lie or lied too now never. We wouldnt be able to sleep If We had a guilty conscience but We dont there is no need for us to be guilty none. So please for Gods own sake and peace of mind We ask and asked within JESUS Christ names to just please come Home now. If We have sinned too then truly From all within our Hearts and Minds and Souls and Bodies and Spirits too We are truly sorry now and We beg for Your forgiveness now. We are sorry We told our truth and We knew nothing at all at first nothing Now We know some so even though We are both found now We need urgently to Meet as soon as possible now. We dont know How? Except speaking to you via Internet Facebook page Where? Eyes and ears can read and hear or not. The main reason is for You Our true one God Father Son King A real Jewish King now. Satan We are sorry but You have lied to many times for Us to trust You Satan has lied and lied and lied now. So honesty is a virtue with Us We dont care if it hurts Us never. Some words do hurt but Wed rather hear the truth and only the whole truth We hate the word hate and We hate lies told too now yesterday and future now. Please hurry Home Holy true one God Father Son King Jesus Christ said now. Satan too now. Amen. Known B.C 2 Elizabeth Anno Domini now. Awomen Unknown Holy 2014 November 16th Monday now. Holy true testimony of a female only. 2 Elizabeth AWOMEN Unknown Only one can be correct and true now. Holy God Mother Daughter Queen We surrender all to You now present times and past and future too honestly We will nothing if We are lying to You in front of all Worldly and Christian eyes and ears that read and hear or not our message of honesty truth is our virtue now. God Blessed and protected Us All And kept Us all safe and sound too. Jesus Christ thank You so much now. Satan thanks for teaching Us the wrong ways truth and lives in which? Way not to go Eternally never now. 2 Elizabeth Awomen Unknown Holy Holy Holy
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 17:56:57 +0000

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