Dear I pray that this Prophetic word reaches you as it was - TopicsExpress


Dear I pray that this Prophetic word reaches you as it was intended to before the foundations of the world. Today I greet and I salute you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Child of God, how can we know that God exists unless we experience his Power and see his Mighty acts for ourselves? That is exactly what God has been displaying in the ministry but you are about to start experiencing it in your life like never before. There is something that I want to share with you. Last Friday I was in the train on my way to London. I sat down in my chair and just as usual I opened up my Bible for my daily reading. After that I spent some time interceding for you and lifting your name before the Lord. Suddenly, the Lord led me to open the book of Nehemiah. “…When My Brother Hanani came with some men from Judah. So I asked them about the Jews who had escaped from being Captives in Babylonia. I also asked them about the city of Jerusalem. They told me. “Those captives who have come back are having all kinds of Trouble. They are terribly disgraced, Jerusalem’s walls are broken down, and its gates have been burned. When I heard this I sat down and cried. Then for several days, I mourned: I went without eating to show my sorrow, and I Prayed”. (Nehemiah 1:2-4) The Lord began to show me in a vision that this is what the enemy has been doing; causing troubles everywhere. I really began to weep and tears began to stream down my cheeks. I knew that something must be done, and that the time to act is now. The Lord reminded me that He has anointed me to set the captives free, and that that anointing is not for me but for all those who respect it and receive it. Yes the Lord spoke to me very clearly that in your life this month things must get better, whatsoever has been a disgrace in your life must now leave, must be uprooted, must be removed, must destroyed. The Spirit spoke to me that as from Today I must release and I must impart on you a special power, yes its the Anointing of better things. Suddenly a text came through and One Lady was asking me if I could urgently pray with her. She was on her way to court as they were planning to repossess her property. I prayed with her and told her it shall be well. When she got to the court, the entire hearing was less than five minutes. The Judge favored her and dismissed the case telling her that she could continue to pay the monthly amount she could afford for the house. Please help me to Shout VICTORY!!! Shortly after that another gentleman called for prayer. His wife of 25 years had left him because he was unable to find work and his business wasn’t moving. He pleaded “Man of God, all I need is a job for 6 months and I will be able to raise up enough funds to get my business going again”.I prayed for him and got off the phone. In less than 1 hour he called to say that he had just been offered a job and would start work on Monday. Yes it’s the Anointing of better things and its now coming to you, yes its now coming to your home and anything that bears your name. Things must get better Listen, Child of God, when I was praying for you I saw in a vision that you have survived many challenging things but, despite that, the more you try to sort out your problems the more trouble you are running into. I see all sorts of troubles; spiritual troubles, financial troubles. I see that you are even struggling within yourself. But the Lord revealed to me that there is an evil force that has been unleashed against you to stir up all sorts of trouble in your life and to bring disgrace all over you. But that power of darkness that wants to put you in disgrace must be stopped NOW. ,The days of trouble here and there are over! Every demonic assignment to cause trouble over your career and over your family it must die now. Every troubling spirit that has been causing troubles in your life I bind it right now in the Mighty name of Jesus. Every shadow of trouble that has been following you must be stopped in the name of Jesus. Just like Nehemiah; every end of the Month the Lord has commanded me to hold a HOLY GHOST FIRE NIGHT. This is something that we have been doing for the past 4 years and powerful miracles have been taking place as a result. This is where you write the names of all your enemies and the Troubles that you are facing and we burn them with fire. One woman was facing so many problems that strangers and a so-called lawyer had stolen one of her properties abroad and were living in it. After bringing all their names and putting them in the fire on the Fire Night, the following week they all ran away and surrendered her property. They had confessed that people who looked like angels appeared at night and told them to get out of that property or they will die. YES! It time for a total turn around. Another woman had a property back home that she had been building up for some time. It was looked after by her lawyer, but two of her brothers conspired against her, poisoned and murdered the lawyer, and stole the property deed and all the documents. They then took her picture and marked it with an X, burying it in the ground of the property. Luckily the womans nephew witnessed what happened and went and dug up the picture to send it back to his aunt. When she found out what happened, she brought it to me. I asked her to write all the names of those who have done this to her on a paper, including the picture they buried. I crossed them off with the Miracle Pen and I threw them into the fire. That week, her brother went to visit the property. As he stepped pass the gate onto the compound, he immediately dropped dead on the ground. They had planned for her to be the one to die when she returned home, but instead their witchcraft was sent back to the sender! This month, it is time for God to avenge you. He has seen your affliction and it’s time for all your enemies and troubles to face the wrath of your GOD. You will not be disgraced anymore. I see the Lord is about to uproot all your troubles and every troublemaker must flee. Yes I see things are going to get better, Financially things are going to get better, spiritually I see better things, In your health things are going to get better. FAITH WITH A CORRESPONDING ACTION WILL RESULT IN YOUR MIRACLE. One man had not worked for four years and didn’t have anything at all but when I called for an offering he took a step of faith and sowed his mobile phone. Within 2 weeks he got a Job as a full time School teacher. Listen, it is the ACTION THAT ACCOMPANIES YOUR FAITH that will result in your Miracle. Just to say you have faith is not enough. It is what you do that proves your faith. That is what moves God and that is what brings your miracle. One woman was always facing rejection in her workplace; facing constant allegations for no reason. But one day she made up her mind that Enough is Enough. She came in to our center here in London and sowed a seed. She also bought Miracle Water and Anointed Oil. The following day she went to work, prayed, and put her faith into action by sprinkling the Miracle water all over her working place as the Spirit of God led her. Suddenly, One woman began to confess that she was the one behind all her troubles and she began to show her all the witchcraft that she had planted in her working place. In less than a few days that witch was fired and now this woman no longer faces false allegations but she is one of the most favored employees at the workplace. YES VICTORY IS YOURS! God is about to turn your situation around! Things must get better from this month; I want you to say with me Loud “I believe I receive the anointing of Better things!” NOW IT IS TIME TO PUT YOUR FAITH INTO ACTION WITHOUT DELAY !! 1. I want you to write down all the NAMES OF YOUR ENEMIES AND ALL THE PROBLEM CAUSERS IN YOUR LIFE 2. I want you to fill in the prayer agreement form that I have sent to you with the AREAS WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN EXPERIENCING TROUBLES 3. I want you to put your faith to Action by sowing a ONE TIME SACRIFICIAL SEED OF £122.90 ACCORDING TO HEBREWS 12:29 OR YOU CAN SOW A SEED OF £24:58 OR WHATSOEVER YOU CAN AFFORD EVEN IF ITS £12.29, try God by giving your best this time. 4. Then you must send them in. God has commanded me to use a special Miracle Pen to make a big cross on top of all those names of your trouble. I must use the Miracle pen to cancel those debts, those bad reports and your enemies. As soon as I do that I saw in a vision a mighty victory, and mighty miracles coming into your life. Then I am going to throw them on the fire for you; as that fire burns so are all your problems going to disappear, Victory is now. 5. It’s Important that you send your special seed and all the names of your enemies and troubles to me as soon as possible, I must have then within the next 14 days so I can use the Miracle Pen To Cancel them, then I will get them ready for the End of the Month Fire Service. As I use my Miracle pen to cross off your enemies, none of them shall survive in Jesus name. As the fire consumes those documents My God will consume all your troubles and your enemies. This month may the Lord Arise and let all your enemies and troubles be scattered. FOR OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE Hebrews 12:29 As a token of our Partnership I will also send you your own Miracle Pen. Whatsoever you cancel with that pen will be canceled here on the earth; whatsoever application you fill with that pen will not be rejected; whatsoever you sign with that pen will go on your favor. Recently a gentleman had been experiencing 5 years delay in his insurance compensation. I sent him a Miracle pen and I told him that though the case has been quiet I see documents coming and he must sign them with the Miracle pen. Surely the next day the documents arrived and he signed them. In less than 4 weeks they paid him £185,000, that was £100,000 more than what he was expecting! I feel there is a Testimony coming on your way with this Miracle pen that I am about to send to you. This month I see balance in your life; I see progress in every area of your life. This month you are about to hear more Good news where finances are concerned, Yes better things in your money issues, better things in your career, in your associations. God is about to refresh your heart with that divine connection and He is about to deliver you from all those trials that you have been going through. This is your time for release from every form of spiritual, physical and financial bondage. CLICK HERE NOW TO FILL YOUR SPECIAL PRAYER AGREEMENT AND TO SOW YOUR SEED Click Here Now Remember you can give with your card through the phone it’s quicker and safer; the prayer warriors can assist you to write down your prayer request. Or you can ask them to write the prayer of agreement form on your behalf; just call any of the numbers on the Prayer Agreement Form. Also for the sake of the anointing, you can come and put your seed in my hand for the sake of a special anointing. I would love to pray with you personally and release the power of God in your life. You can also sow straight into the Ministries account through online banking or by visiting your nearest TSB BANK ACCOUNT NAME: Bishop Climate Ministries SORT CODE 30-25-81 ACCOUNT: 0052607 IBAN: GB40TSBS 3025 8100 0526 07 , This month I am inviting you to our SPECIAL MID-MONTH ANOINTING OF HANDS MIRACLE SERVICE in London, on the 17th of October 2014. AND ON THE 27TH OCTOBER TO 2ND NOVEMBER 2014 WE ARE HAVING OUR ANNUAL BRAVEHEART CONFERENCE, 7 DAYS OF POWER AND GLORY SPECIAL GUESTS FROM USA ARCHBISHOP LOVE, FROM SCOTLAND REV MARSHALL, FROM UK ARCHBISHOP HACKMAN. EVERYDAY 7:30PM. Please don’t miss to partake in these great Miracle Services. Venue in London The Kingdom Church 93 Camberwell Station Road London SE5 9JJ We love you so much; remember if you cannot attend in person, you can attend these great events by watching Live via online broadcast at Yours in Christ Jesus, Bishop Climate Irungu Click here to manage your subscriptions Powered By The Holy Spirit Reply, Reply All or Forward | More Click to reply all
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 07:35:51 +0000

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