Dear Idaho GOP, I have been a republican all my life and I have - TopicsExpress


Dear Idaho GOP, I have been a republican all my life and I have never been more discouraged than I am today with the divisive political factions from within and the strong stench of us v Them mentality as the establishment does whatever it can to retain control. The GOP mission seems not to be to promote liberty and equal justice under the law with principles of limited government but to expand government authority under the guise of those principles. Republicans claim to be conservative but who today defines those terms, the party, the federal or state government? Who defines freedom and liberty and what the true meaning of the constitution, is it the same? Has anyone ever sat down between the two factions to find out why this rift exists? Dont both factions believe in freedom and Liberty or do these terms between these two entities really have different definitions? If we are all lovers of freedom and Liberty why are we divided? If we are all constitutional and support limited government, why does one side fight to expand it while the other fights to control it? You cant tell me that since the Idaho GOPs existence that we have maintained principles of limited government as the size of government has expanded exponentially. How can Idaho call itself one thing and do things that undermine the very definition they preach? Maybe it is my ignorance and for which I need correction but we have only one state and one federal constitution, we swear an oath to uphold on one hand and undermine them with the support and expansion of unconstitutional statutes on the other, how can this be? I see us praying to God on one hand and violating is word on the other. I see us asking for the blessings of Liberty upon our nation on one hand and I see the undermining of his gift to a free people either intentionally or ignorantly. Do the people that play politics with the lives of a free people that were charged to protect and preserve our rights rather that to dictate them realize how badly this state and nation is in trouble? Do they think that voting in one more election will fix the problems we face with the usurpations of government in all three branches (or three hundred and thirty three), the tremendous debt, the conspiratorial elements to undermine American Liberty, the corporate corruption and greed in office and the loss of our faith based moral foundation? Or is it to preserve the GOP control regardless of the condition of this state and country? Are the GOP awake or still in dream land unaware of the fall they are setting us up for? Last nights election, in my view, was Idahos last chance to take our state back to reverse the abuses that we have been subjected to over the years and either due to the ignorance of the voters or the big money thrown at the victors to carry the corporate agenda, the people have once again, as history dictates, voted for their own demise or have become to apathetic to challenge it. It is for these reasons I regretfully say that I am embarrassed to call myself a republican and to say that it wasnt only Otter that lost his way, it appears to be the majority of the entire state. If the above is true and every state and citizen is guaranteed a republican form of government, where the minority is protected from the tyranny of the majority, is it safe to say since both violations have occurred that such abuses do not apply to those of us that understand this since we have that guarantee of protection or are we really a democracy or an oligarchy that those in power either dont know it or are to afraid to state it publicly? Another way to put it, is are our rights instead of being protected by government now determined by them as the sole arbiter of the rights of man and if so how different is this from any other nation that is under totalitarian control? This country was supposed to be about the united belief in the preservation of freedom and liberty, not party establishment politics. So help me God, if I ever enter the political realm again, I promise you either from the heavenly skies above or from the pit of hell, the BS will always and continually be called as soon as I see it like I always have! Discouraged and disappointed, Unless something ordained by Divine Providence has manifested to save us, welcome to our judgment! Tom Munds
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 16:47:28 +0000

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