Dear India , Namaskar from the Northeast of India , Iam one of - TopicsExpress


Dear India , Namaskar from the Northeast of India , Iam one of the very few Northeastern who call herself a Proud Indian from the day i was born but i started to doubt about it everytime people ask me if iam from India , i spent a month memorising your national anthem and recited it with Pride among my Peers. Every morning during prayers at school we have grown up taking a pledge that All Indians are my Brothers and sisters yet we have to hear the taunts that we are chinese . Each year we celebreted the independence day and republic day with sense of great pride wondering how brave and strong our ancestor , our freedom fighters were. Iam very sad to report that your reputation of being an ignorant , chauvinictic oaf with the intelligence level of an autistic 3 years old on crack preceeds you ,and it hurt me more to admit to this rather accurate description. I write to you as a women,who has been bought up in a society free of any discrimination towards women , towards any western culture, iam Proud to say i belong to state called 8 Sisters, so thanks to you and dont walk to any northeastern and pass a coment YOU DONT LOOK LIKE INDIAN , YOU HAVE CHINKY EYES , ARE YOU CHINESE? in return they will verbally texas chainsaw massacre your face so badly your dead dadi will haunt you the very same night telling you how fleeing Pakistan was less traumatic , just gleem and fix your muscle a little an keep smiling ,just whatever you do but do not speak . You may not like our Food , but than we dont LIKE you , Ewwwwww [in ArunachaLi style] which is Worse , Gross. . . I was taught Geography in junior high and thats how i know where kanyakumari is located and where the God Forsaken Delhi is too (case to be noted ,i go to post office in chennai 8 years back to post a letter to my Dad in ArunachaL Pradesh, i do hope you know where that is because the indian guy there did not , he gave me foreign tariff for speed post and on questioning he ask YYYyyyiiiiindiiiyaaaaaa???? -sighs- i hope my letter reaches . Geographically yeah we are Indians too , i got the tag ,but about five lines down your act , i feel ashamed of having a sense of indianess in me, your racist act , im embrassed for you , for the slurs , the bitterness, the hatred and the vulnerability you let slip through.. Sometimes i wish you all go take AAIIIYREEE ticket and fly off to moon and never come back, i hate being call Indian now , once again iam no Longer a Proud Indian but Definitly a Proud Northeastern Girl. RIP Nido Tania !! We Love you
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:16:31 +0000

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