Dear Jatinder, This is your last chance to prepare your press - TopicsExpress


Dear Jatinder, This is your last chance to prepare your press releases and lodge before 9:00 am tomorrow. I trust you are ready, willing and able to be elected to your division. The last few days have seen massive movements towards our party to be elected. Only the Palmer United Party can deliver the economic policies that Australia needs. Release $70 billion into the Australian economy to create confidence, demand and jobs. This will be done by changing the situation where companies pay their tax quarterly, based on an estimate, to companies being required to pay their tax annually based on their actual results. This result will mean that an extra $70 billion remains in the economy for a year, creating confidence, strong domestic demand and jobs. At the end of the year the government gets the $70 billion anyway. The $70 billion only has to turn over once in individual’s hands to create $7 billion of GST alone, so it will also create more revenue and mean we can have more facilities, schools and hospitals. From the 1st July 2014 we will reduce income tax by 15% putting $2,500 in the average taxpayer’s pocket. As the money circulates in the economy the government will get 10% GST. If it circulates ten times in a year the government will get back the same amount of tax anyway, but this will impact positively on our economy. Every time you spend it will create more jobs and more demand. We can spend our money better than the government can. Palmer United will abolish fringe benefits tax (FBT), injecting $4 billion into the Australian economy. FBT is a negative tax; it stops Australians doing things. It’s time for a change; a fundamental change. We will stimulate the economy and create more jobs. Palmer United will make the first $10,000 of every home loan tax deductible, boosting the construction industry, home ownership and helping every Australian to own their own home. We will increase the old age pension by 20% and give every pensioner an additional $150 a fortnight of living wage. At the moment pensioners are paid less than asylum seekers. Palmer United will inject $80 billion into the health budget across Australia so that people can die in dignity and we have the right services for our families. We will cut tax on the second job to 50% of what’s paid at the moment to get the economy going again. 5 KEY ISSUES 1. LOBBY GROUPS The Palmer United Party believes that lobbyists should be excluded from holding official positions in the Palmer United Party. Official office bearers of the Palmer United Party need to represent the membership and they can’t do that if they are receiving large amounts of money from companies or business groups. A member who is a lobbyist needs to decide if his business interests are more important than carrying out obligations of an office bearer. Moreover, lobbyist firms often employ former Ministers from both political parties and Big Business can get policy changes by paying money to such firms to represent their views. This represents a serious conflict of interest and undermines the value of individuals voting rights and the Democracy that Australians have fought for. It undermines the Australian right to vote. 2. 25% WEALTH FOR REGIONS The Palmer United Party believes 25% of the wealth generated from regions in Australia must be returned to that region so that the wealth can be reinvested in the region that generated such wealth. 3. CARBON TAX – ELECTRICITY PRICES The Palmer United Party will scrap the Carbon Tax, not from when we are elected but from when the tax was introduced. Electricity prices are too high. Australian families are under increasing pressure. Australians will get refunds under the Palmer United Government. The Palmer United Party will set up a national commission to investigate the Carbon issue and seek submissions from all Australians so that the government is fully informed. 4. USING AUSTRALIAN WEALTH FOR AUSTRALIA Japan has become the world’s third largest economy by processing Australian resources. Wages in Japan are higher. The cost of energy is more expensive. Japan suffers from the tyranny of distance yet Australia sells its mineral ore at $40 - $200 a ton and Japan sells final products at up to $20,000 a ton or more. To create jobs, generate more government revenue along with a stronger balance of payments the Australian government needs to encourage the use of the mineral resource wealth of Western Australia and Queensland to support downstream manufacturing in states that don’t have those resources, such as New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria. This will create jobs, increase our exports and provide greater revenue and a rising, rather than declining, standard of living for our country. Higher export revenue means better education and health services for our people. 5. COMMON SENSE POLICY ARRIVALS TO AUSTRALIA TO SAVE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS We spend Billions of dollars each year trying to deal with the illegal entry of people into Australia. Our Navy is deployed at great cost and does not now do what it should do, namely defend Australia. People are attracted to this country by many financial and other benefits that the government offers. Families of new arrivals are separated and kept in camps at the taxpayers’ expense and many people lose their lives while people smugglers make a fortune. While all this is going on, the Australian People continue to suffer. We need to change things. It is the Australian government that creates the market for people smugglers to prosper. If a person seeking entry into Australia was allowed to board a plane for $800 to fly to one of our airports such as Sydney or Brisbane, they wouldn’t need to pay the People Smugglers up to $20,000 for illegal entry to Australia. Any person would require their valid passport to board the flight, so when arriving at the immigration hall we would know who they are and where they came from. At the airport we could have the facilities to deal with them. Each person or family could be given a fair hearing at the airport facilities when they arrive to determine if they had a lawful right of entry into Australia. If they didn’t, they could be returned to where they came from on the next available flight. This would abolish the detention camps, restore our navy to its traditional role, save the lives of children and families, keep families together and recognise the legitimate rights of those that have a lawful reason for entering Australia. This policy would also reduce the risk of breach in our quarantine laws and protect our agricultural industries. Only the Palmer United Party can stop the boats by taking away the financial incentive that started them in the first place. The billions of dollars saved by this policy can be spent productively to create a change for the people who deserve it - the people of Australia. All the best, Clive Palmer Links and Video Links for your viewing Vote 1 for Clive Palmer – Hear it from Abbott, Rudd and Gillard: youtube/watch?v=z_KLed0KEsA PALMER UNITED PARTY 380 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000 GPO Box 3138 Brisbane QLD 4001 Tel: (07) 3233 0888 Fax: (07) 3036 6666 Email: admin@palmerunited Web: palmerunited This email was sent to jsingh1405@yahoo You have received this email from Admin, Palmer United Party, 380 Queen Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000, Australia. Unsubscribe
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 09:24:20 +0000

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