Dear Julius Malema I hope that you are well, I’ve been dying - TopicsExpress


Dear Julius Malema I hope that you are well, I’ve been dying to write you this letter ,it’s not a friendly one but a rather sad letter, I am writing this letter on behalf of the poor and weak people of South Africa, before I begin I would like to say that I am ‘’black’’ before you start playing the race card. I am a 20 year old guy, I can’t say proudly South African but hey it is what it is. Firstly I would like to say congratulations for dividing South African black and white, not only have you done that but you have also divided Pedi and Zulu people Julius Malema you have so much hate towards white people , I don’t know why but let me get down to it You started EFF in 2013 after you heard the wonderful speech of Dr. MR and then you saw a business opportunity , such an opportunist I must say Sir considering the fact that we have allot of gullible people in South Africa. You want to be president but……… 1. You owe SARS R16 million, surely you’re not a responsible citizen, maybe I need to explain that in woodwork slow motion, you basically owe SARS R16 million but u tell your gullible followers that ‘’I will never steal from you’’ I wonder which economics you are doing because it is far different to the one we are being taught at varsity level. That in itself is a lie because you robbed them imagine what we could have done with R16 million, firstly we can pay for TUT/UJ/DUT students via NSFSAS so because of your greed sir, these students had to vandalise university property, they had to be thrown out of the residential courters., and then you still have the audacity to stand in front of them and lie. We are not STUPID we see YOU. 2. Malema you bought a house in Sandown or Sandton and then demolished it and built your dream house while our brothers and sisters were starving in the rural areas not even rich people buy houses and then demolish them, NO they don’t they buy LAND which is one of the FACTORS OF PRODUCTION (economics 101) and then they build their dream houses in security estates but the village boy in you forgot to take note of that. Your house was approximately R4 million if I’m not mistaken according to my knowledge could build allot of RDP’s in our lifetime. I’m sure you would agree with me on that. 3. LIMPOPO oh my word you messed up that side giving you friend’s tenders at the expense of the POOR, money that could have helped improve the poor people in Limpopo but because of your greed you managed to rob them Sir. Because of you Sir a man in Limpopo lost all HOPE in life, I’m sure you sleep at night comfy in your comforters while some people in Limpopo live in shacks that leak. Because of you a learner fell into a long drop toilet and died do you see that stealing tender money could have built a decent toilet for these learners and then you have the nerve to tell us about Zuma oh please when you are going to take responsibility and stop trying to be a saint. 4. Youre very disrespectful. I don’t mind being opinionated, there is a very decent way of being opinionated without being wild like an animal, what will you be teaching our brothers and sisters? To disrespect elders? This is very disgusting, how do you want the world to view us, I bet every time you open your mouth the rand drops because of the gibberish you utter. The world is laughing at us. 5. You want to be a president but you can’t even be accountable , you don’t see anything wrong in you not paying tax you busy blaming zuma HELLO zuma isn’t the one who said you mustn’t pay your taxes please grow up I mean it’s very childish it like sibling rivalry siblings fighting over useless stuff growing up would be a nice start don’t you think I mean you are not getting any younger 6. TRUTH BE TOLD you’re not a politician your just a straat mate who makes noise and we all know the saying ‘’an empty tin always makes noise’ ’politicians don’t have to scream in order to drive their point across NO LEARN from Madiba, Thabo Mbeki. ’’Politicians don’t have to scream in order to drive their point across NO LEARN from Madiba, Thabo Mbeki. You are very good at mobilising people but not very good for parliament not even suited for office your politically immature 7. Most people who follow you are mostly failures Educational factory faults who knows maybe you even pay someone to do your assignments or worse you pay the markers to make you pass. That’s how corrupt you are Sir and since you failed woodwork this is questionable ……….. Maybe we should probe an investigation there as well because really when do you study? Because your always on radio talking nonsense and most of the day you are busy mobilizing people 8. Looks like you have allot of Factory faults in the ranks there, Cameron is gay basically ba moja motete , Dali mpofu na jela Mandela, Julius failed woodwork, Wikus the white guy who is depressed and was disowned by his family LOL he thought he can convince white voters to vote EFF shame wikus what a shame. I won’t even mention that hungry dog Floyd who has personality problems and power hungry. What do you know about the economy Julius? You chased the economist and gave us zuma now that you are broke and hungry you tell us not to vote for him you can’t be trusted shame, you’re a two faced liar, if zuma cut you off with pay then you would have kept your mouth shut but because he left you outside you want to prove a point hahahah 9. Oh how do I even forget that farm you bought …….im sure you are in pain now that it was bought by a white man but when I break down the money of that farm we could also help the poor you know…. And you don’t even pay tax yourself but you want to tell poor people that you will increase the tax lol this is so funny sir at whose expense are you going to do that? Is that the kind of leadership we want in South Africa lol surely Dali mofu’s glasses are too old to see this so much for a lawyer useless. So you think you can lead us now? Maybe not Julius, maybe not, the grass is not greener on the other side sort out your anger with zuma, don’t use people to settle your childish scores please…….. get a life , u need psychological help you are sick you have so much anger in you , you are about to explode dude. Tell people what you can do not what zuma did wrong blah blah blah I mean you were drinking coffee with him not so long ago, we all know that duh don’t come here with your woodwork mentality. I mean not long ago you (Julius) said you will kill for zuma what happened there you’re a disgrace to South Africa, you are the reason why black people are ashamed to be black. I also think its high time you reunite with your dad surely there is a history there or you want journalist to dig it out. We are not stupid we all know that you are the one inciting violence in communities the word ‘’fighter gave your game away sir For your information if eff becomes GOVERNMENT (in which it won’t) we would make South Africa ungovernable baba YOU WILL NEVER RULE ngeke NEVER and NEVER again. I ask that you grow up; just because your English accent is of a low level don’t hate white people in fact add that to your shrink bill. Julius Sello Malema you will never say that oath NEVER, you will cry (sello) hard first before that happens, so tell that puppet Floyd that he must not even bet on it and you and Floyd should read animal farm and then maybe we can talk. I tried by all means to keep this letter simpler and woodwork friendly, I tried not to write it on paper since I want to save the wood so that u can read it. I’m sorry for spelling mistakes, repetition and sometimes sentence constructions. Should you spot the mistakes please bring them to my attention I hope the voters will wake up and see you for what you really are Last but not least, I’m not an ANC member, but at the moment saying viva kongolose sounds right so viva khongolose. Honourable woodwork fighter Free dumb fighter.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 17:33:37 +0000

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