Dear Justice Now supporters: We are going to the Assembly - TopicsExpress


Dear Justice Now supporters: We are going to the Assembly Heath Committee on Tuesday we desperately need your support in convincing the committee that this bill is pro-choice/womens rights and needs to pass. Heres what you can do: 1. Call Assembly Member Richard Pan’s office at (916.319.2009). Here’s a sample script (ask for the legislative director—they likely won’t be available, but you can leave a voicemail or a message with the receptionist): Hello, my name is [NAME] and I am calling from [ORGANIZATION] to strongly request Assembly Member Dr. Pan’s ‘Aye’ vote for SB 1135. Allowing sterilization for the purpose of birth control to proceed, in violation of CA and federal regulation, would dictate how doctors practice medicine regardless of their best medical judgment and patient preference, add to an environment of coercion promoting permanent sterilization of women, and increase liability incurred by the State and doctors. We urge Assembly Member Dr. Pan to affirm doctor’s responsibility to practice good, lawful medicine and that all people, regardless of civil status, have the right to determine the rest of their reproductive lives free from the coercion, threat or force. 2. Tweet! Please send the following tweet from your organizational and personal accounts and ask your networks to do the same: @DrPanMD Pls support SB1135. End #prison #sterilizationabuse & affirm Drs responsibility to practice good, lawful medicine. 3. Join Justice Now in support of SB1135 this Tuesday, June 24th at 1:30pm: Assembly Health Committee hearing in the State Capitol, Room 4202. Take action today to help push SB 1135 through the final stages.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 23:13:02 +0000

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