Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been a science-fiction fan - TopicsExpress


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been a science-fiction fan since 1967 and a frustrated writer since 1980. I have discovered the joys(?) of self-publishing, but sadly I get very little reliable feedback (lets face it, friends and family dont count). Therefore, I am posting the dust cover blurbs to my two novels as a temptation to see what everyone thinks. From Patent Law-A Science-Fiction Novel: “Please,” begged the Secretary of State, “don’t call them aliens. It’s so pejorative. Call them extra-terrestrials. They didn’t cross the Rio Grande in the dead of the night!” I actually agreed with the Secretary on his matter, although I was immediately positive that these creatures could be classified as completely undocumented. “Whatever,” a General sighed, “I really don’t care what they’re called. ET’s not going to phone home on my watch.” I looked around and suddenly had a craving for some candy-coated pieces of peanut butter. “What do you actually mean?” I asked. I suddenly had a vision of an entire SEAL team crashing through the craft’s door as we stormed their ship, assuming these aliens actually used doors. I couldn’t see anything good coming from any confrontation. Extra-terrestrial space travelers could also have the ability to turn the Earth into a crispy cinder. Once again the room turned silent. I could actually hear the old-fashioned mantle clock ticking away, or was that a beating heart buried underneath the floor boards? I did notice that everyone in the room was trying hard not to make any eye contact. Even the President’s cat was staring up at the ceiling. A large black bird landed on the window ledge, no doubt trying to escape the storm. It started tapping on the window pane, nothing more. And from Passage From Youth: All Dale McAndrew wanted was his doctorate in Alternate World Studies. His plan seemed simple: find the quantum signature for one of the lost books of Livy, travel through a worm hole to the library that has the book, and take the book back to Earth. A simple snatch and grab. Instead he finds himself trapped on a world where Rome never fell and now rules a galactic empire. High school athletes fight in the arena with electronic scoring swords. spears, nets, and tridents. Dale struggles to adapt to his environment while searching for a way to escape back to Earth. All the while becoming more involved with the romance between the number one rated gladiator and the schools head cheerleader. These are both available from Amazon
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 21:50:08 +0000

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