Dear League community, Just a little tip. I you want to win - TopicsExpress


Dear League community, Just a little tip. I you want to win games stop following the enemy around just to get kills and get fed. Its an objective based game. Prioritize your kills to be able to push objectives. I.E. Kills in bot lane? Use that to get dragon and push bot lane. Kills in top? Push tower and farm to get a minion wave to tower. Kill in mid? Use that kill to be able to roam and help push other lanes towers so they have a chance to leave their lane and help finish the game. Im no expert by any stretch of the imagination nor do I claim to be but if you will notice by watching pro games, each kill they get goes towards an objective which is why the kills only go up to about 30. Also another problem I see in low ELO games, people yelling at their support about wards. The trinket just isnt enough and has truly ruined warding. If you have the extra money to buy wards, please do so. Vision helps win games. And picking up 150 gold worth of wards wont kill you! Just be curious to the fact that the support can only place 3 wards at a time. If you ask for a ward at baron and dragon your support is only able to place one more stealth ward and a pink. Although it may seem like a lot, it really isnt. Dont blame the support for not having ample vision. If you arent warding you are just as much to blame! ^.^ Edit: ALSO If the support does while trying to ward, please do not shit talk the support for being a feeder the support is trying to help YOU get ahead by risking themselves walking through the jungle.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 00:51:32 +0000

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