Dear Liberal friends, you often say the things I talk about are - TopicsExpress


Dear Liberal friends, you often say the things I talk about are conspiracy. I challenge you to accept that your ideology is the real conspiracy. Please look into the following issues and I promise youll find them to be facts. Gun violence Gun violance since the mid 80s to now despite a growing population and gun owners is down, not up. Quantum Easing This is very real 80 billion of worthless printed money is being dumped into the economy every mounth. If it wasnt the stock market would plummet and despite it remains unstable. Interest rates The fed is holding down interest rates which slows down the growth of our debt. This cant last forever. Reserve capitol The dollar is consideres the reserve capitol of the world. Because of quantum easing this is changing. Russia, Australia, China, and Japan have all worked out deals to avoid using our currency for trade. To explain it simply all those dollars will return to the states in the near future and with them bone crushing inflation. Quantum easing only works if we remain the reserve capitol of the world. This will no longer be the case and we will face the same fate as the other many countries that tried to print themselves out of debt. Our money will become worthless and inflation will put most of us into poverty. The IRS Sorry Obama fans the IRS played a huge role in Obamas reelection. They targeted conservative groups and disrupted there message. Obama won by 2% and its easy to see this could have been a game changer. They also targeted anyone donating to the republican cause. Regardless of what you believe we can all agree its a gross abuse of power. Bhengazi Not to beat a dead horse here, but yes americans died and nothing was done about it. Yes weve been lied to a proven fact. The worst part is that soldiers who dieds familys are not being taken care of. Because Obama never called it terrorism they arnt treated like soldiers who died in battle. Big brother Yes we are being watched and nobody.bothered to tell us. In fairness bush another failure started this program, but.its abuse is under our current leadership. Congress seems unaware of this program and even concerned they have been watched as well. Obama of course states otherwise. The Canadian pipeline We could really use cheaper oil right now. It turns out Obamas best buddy warren buffet would be hit the hardest by this pipeline. You see he built the train that moves most of it now. Coincidence? We can all agree it looks bad at the least. Obamacare Perhaps the biggiest lie of all nothing we were told turns out to be the truth. Already a young girl had to fight for a lung with its director and a judge would save the day not obamacare. Its going to cost us 3 times more and climbing. Its also driving up medical supply costs with its many new taxes. Premiums are sky rocketing with the new requirements of its guidelines and as many of you know big buisness is loving it. Now they just work you less than 30 hours a week and avoid medical for their employees completely. They are making more money then ever. Unemployment The U2 rateing only counts those collecting unemployment and we all know its way deeper then that. Experts claim its 13-14% and some say maybe higher. GDP They want to change how the gross domestic product is calculated. In the past the amount.of money it took to make a profit was counted as an expense. Now they would like to call it all.profit, which would raise this figure 1-2%. More smoke and mirrors. None of this is a conspiracy and all of this is true.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 20:00:36 +0000

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