Dear Lord, As we gather today we ask to feel your nearness...we - TopicsExpress


Dear Lord, As we gather today we ask to feel your nearness...we ask Lord, that you embrace us and hold us with your nail pierced hands that remind us that you know all about pain and suffering. You are well acquainted with grief and sorrow and you understand the things that we are going through better than anyone else can. Lord, some days are harder than others...some days we are so emptied of ourselves and so full of pain we are weak and weary, but we thank you for your strength and your power that allows us to put one foot in front of the other and to keep inching along one moment, one hour, one day at a time... Lord...thank you for understanding us...thank you that we dont have to be on with you. We can come just as we are...we can bear our souls and know there is nothing inside of us that will ever make you turn away. You see past our rawness, humanness and scars and you see what we dont even see see the finished product of how we will be when this life is see how the sand makes the see how the coal becomes a diamond, how the caterpillar emerges as a see us and know that all the pain and pressure and suffering of this world is going to produce something of lasting value, but you view us a lovely and worthy even now. Others may not understand us or see the beauty in the ashes, but you do. If you can turn the cross and its horror into a thing of beautiful redemption for the world, we know that you can take every broken piece of our lives and redeem us as well. Thank you Lord, for seeing what we cant see and for your patience with us when we fail to understand... or when we forget or question that you have a plan and a purpose for everything you allow to touch our lives. Lord, today, please let us see your majesty in the midst of our lives....may that overshadow the hurts and cares of this world. Give us a glimpse of your glory and may it sustain us in all that we face. Thank you for all that you are Lord...thank you for all that you do for us...thank you for taking us just where we are and just as we are...thank you for not leaving us there...thank you for picking us up and walking with us to continue on when we feel like were too weary to keep going on. Thank you for sustaining us and for your Holy Spirit that infuses us with your grace, peace and comfort. Lord, oh how we need you..and we are grateful that we have a Savior who understands and who is mighty to save...we praise you our risen King...the One that defeated death, so we might in us today we pray, Lord...give us more of yourself as we cling to you this day. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen. May His peace engulf you today! In His love, Debbie ©Debbie Kay, Hope For The Broken Hearted [
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 04:59:38 +0000

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