Dear Lord Freud I’m hoping you will be able to help me. I - TopicsExpress


Dear Lord Freud I’m hoping you will be able to help me. I make a fair enough wage just below the national average. My wife, who is disabled also works part time. We struggle to make ends meet despite our combined incomes so we both work whenever able on our own business. Despite this we still have a tight budget as we both believe in paying our debts, ensuring we pay our taxes, National Insurance etc and not borrowing money we would really struggle to pay back – so no bank loans. Neither of us smoke and we don’t have a 60 inch television screen by the way - I mention this only as some would believe that all people who struggle are leading a life of luxury away from prying eyes. We are able to get our children to various clubs during the week which they love although this does mean we have to be very careful with budgeting but as schools no longer provide music or drama or dance as part of the curriculum we feel we should supplement their education with subjects which make a person more human and whole. Any way, the reason for my letter is this - I’d like to know how to get a job as a ‘Peer’ in the House of Lords please – it would appear that no particular skill is required and the tedious ‘election’ part of working in Westminster seems to thankfully have been removed for this role. I like this side of the job description as it means I can be a total arse without the ‘electorate’ being able to remove me … although I’ve just realised the same applies to ordinary MP’s too until election time when the proletariat can either change or opt for more of the same - actually in the current climate, unless you vote for the Greens - you will get the same no matter which party you vote for. I only ask as the pay seems very, very good* and you have shown me that, despite my experience and circumstances outlined above, I don’t even need to have any understanding of how ordinary people live and work in this country to take the role on. Perhaps if you were thinking of standing down, which a lot of people think would be a rather super thing for you to do, you could put in a good word for me. Kind regards Martyn Cooper * The pay thing - it really is VERY good isnt it! After weve paid off all our bills - your daily rate is what our family of four live on for the month - and we realise that we are doing much better than so many others in Britain so Musnt Grumble.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:07:36 +0000

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