Dear Lord Jesus, the call to love well—all kinds of people, in - TopicsExpress


Dear Lord Jesus, the call to love well—all kinds of people, in all kinds of situations, is ever before us. In fact, I’m recognizable as one of your disciples by the way I love others (John 13:34). This calling would be an unbearable burden, an unrealistic expectation, an un-doable assignment if you didn’t love us as you do. We love you—and anybody else, only because you first loved us and gave yourself for us on the cross. There is no love like your love—none so effusive, unwavering or transforming. Because of your great love for us, Jesus, we don’t have to fear Judgment Day, or anything that comes at us in this day. Your cross is judgment day for all who trust in you. You took the punishment I deserve for all the ways I love so poorly, and I now rely on the love you have for me. In that grand assurance, here’s my prayer, Jesus. Help me love well the members of my immediate family—with joy and freedom. Give me your eyes and heart, your mercy and grace for each of them. Bring your kindness, compassion, patience, and perseverance to bear in all the dynamics of family life. Help us to provoke one another to love and good deeds, and not just provoke one another. Jesus, help me to love my friends well. Help me not to take them for granted. Help me know how to give my friends feedback lovingly and receive feedback from them without being defensive. Forgive me when I want friendship to be simply a mutual admiration society rather than a community of groaning, grace, and growth. Help me to know how to love the struggling and very needy people in my life—those who are easy to avoid, the ones who expose my selfishness. Help me know how to love the foolish people in my life—the ones making destructive choices, who often reflect my weaknesses and immaturity. Help me know how to love the depressed and sad people in my life—whose darkness is a paralyzing shroud. I instinctively want to fix them and make them happy, but I know that’s not really what they need from me. Help me to love the poor, the orphans and widows, the marginalized, “the least and the lost,” for among them I will surely find you, Lord Jesus. Fill my heart with new mercies and your steadfast love as this day begins… and continues. So very Amen I pray, in your compassionate and mighty name.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 01:33:06 +0000

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