Dear Lord, The psalmist wrote, “Oh, Lord, in the morning - TopicsExpress


Dear Lord, The psalmist wrote, “Oh, Lord, in the morning will I direct my prayers and unto you I will look up.” We look to you this day, Lord. Be our everything and give us more of Jesus we pray. Please pour your Holy Spirit out upon us. The day of your return is drawing near. We don’t want to be caught off guard or unaware because we are focused on our worries, cares, grief and pain instead of on you. We pray for your comforting presence. We ask for your energizing touch. We long for mental clarity and your wisdom and discernment, Lord. Please guide our steps and help us not to be detoured from the plan that you have for us. Help us to hear your voice above all others. Help us to trust our needs to you and help us to be patient as we wait on you. Lord, we don’t want to waste this day. Life is so fleeting. Help us not to disregard the still small voice we hear that prompts us to make a call, or write, or spend some time with someone. So many people live with regrets and guilt because they didn’t act on their instincts or they ignored your prompting. Help us not to put things off that we should do today. Help us to “live in the moment.” Help us not to fill our minds with useless questions and thoughts, or to waste precious time stressing out about things that can’t be changed…Help us not to worry or be anxious about things that have yet to happen. Help us to be people of focus and vision, even in the midst of chaos, confusion and pain. May we be the type of people who live with an attitude of gratitude and who see your hand in all things. Help us to run our race with our eye on the prize and with your endurance. Lord, please go before us today. We commit our day and this week to you and all that’s in it. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen. Blessings be upon you and those you love! In Him,
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 00:48:50 +0000

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