Dear Lord, We ask this morning that you would fill us with your - TopicsExpress


Dear Lord, We ask this morning that you would fill us with your living water. We pray that you would fill the cracked, dry, parched places in our hearts. Please search our hearts and call to mind anything that we have said or done that might hinder our prayers Lord. We ask for forgiveness of our sins. We ask Father, for forgiveness for the times we grumble and complain about our circumstances. We think about the Israelites and how they often complained while on their journey to the promised land. Their grumblings distorted their perceptions. They had been slaves and captives, which was hardly a good life...yet in the midst of their grumbling in the desert, they thought being a slave was better than where they were at. They complained about the food that you provided for them daily and actually thought that they had more abundance as a captives. We know that slaves are not treated better by their masters than you treat your children.Their memories were hindered by their grumbling and unhappiness. What amazing mercy, grace and restraint you show your children. You do all these things for us and we complain about the things that you havent done to our liking. Lord, may we learn from the examples of others who have gone before us. As Moses and your children wandered in that desert, they had you leading them by a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. They had tangible signs of your presence and yet they asked where you were in the difficult circumstances. Lord, its so hard to imagine how they could feel the way the did, when the signs of your presence and working on their behalf surrounded them constantly...the parting of the Red Sea, manna falling from the sky, the plaques that hit Egypt...they saw you working all around them and yet they grumbled and complained. How many times do we seek for signs from you Lord? Would we be any different from the Israelites if we did receive more tangible awareness of your presence? Would we still grumble and complain because you didnt answer the way we thought you should? Lord, help us to be more trusting of you and grateful. We may not have all of those major miracles staring us in the face daily like your children did, but you do show us in so many ways that you are with us and we have your promises to carry in our hearts always. Help us to have clearer vision Lord. Help us to see past the bad stuff to see you working in our midst. Help us to see your hand and hear your voice. May we be thankful children whose hearts grow softer instead of harder with tribulation. Lord, many of us feel like we have been in the desert for so long....many feel lost in the wilderness. Many feel like they are weary and parched with enemies closing in on them. Father, may we all feel your presence and your spirit with us today. We prayed yesterday about being dependent on you and I feel you are still wanting us to grasp that is where you want us to a place of daily dependence on you. Manna only lasted for a day except for the day before the Sabbath. It could not be stored up and carried over to the next day. You sustained your day at a time and thus you do the same with us. You give us grace, strength and power for this day. The past is done, the future is not guaranteed...but you do promise to care for all that call on you this day. Hear our petitions Lord and draw us unto yourself. We thank you for this day of life youve given to us Lord. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 09:55:55 +0000

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