Dear Member, You are invited hereby to the General Meeting of - TopicsExpress


Dear Member, You are invited hereby to the General Meeting of Robin Asset Management Cooperative to be held on the 29th of June in Helsinki, Finland. The general meeting is the most important decision making organ of the cooperative where each of us has an equal weight and role. Please find below the invitation and agenda of the meeting. If you have other items you would hope to be taken on the agenda, please let me know by Friday the 21st of June. We also hope you will inform us about your participation in the meeting at the latest by Friday the 21st of June to: ana.fradique@gmail. Thank you. Helsinki, 10.6.2013 Akseli Virtanen Chairman of the Board Robin Hood Asset Management Cooperative GENERAL MEETING ROBIN HOOD ASSET MANAGEMENT COOPERATIVE 29 June 2013, 18.00 - 21.00 Aalto Design Factory Betonimiehenkuja 5 02150 Espoo Finland AGENDA 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Presenting and accepting the agenda 3. Annual accounts of the first year 19.3.-31.12.2012 4. The beta year: what happened 2012-2013 5. The future plan of Robin Hood: what will happen 2013-2016 6. Proposed changes in the rules Rule 4. Osuuden nimellisarvo on 30€, joka suoritetaan osuuskunnan ilmoittamalle tilille, jonka jälkeen jäsen saa osuuskunnalta ilmoituksen jäsenyytensä hyväksymisestä. The nominal value of the share of the cooperative is 30€ and it is paid to the account of the cooperative, after which the member will receive a notice of acceptance of membership to the cooperative. Comment by the board: “With this change we wish to make the becoming a member more straight forwards and efficient." Rule 5. Osuuskunnan tilikausi on kalenterivuosi, joka alkaa heinäkuun 1. päivänä ja loppuu kesäkuun 30. päivänä. The fiscal period of the cooperative is one calendar year, which begins the 1st of July and ends the 30th of June. Comment by the board: “In establishing the cooperative in the summer 2012, the wrong version of this rule was accidently send to the Finnish Patent and Registry Office: in the official registry our fiscal year is 1.1.-31.12. However it is much better to Robin Hood to have its fiscal year and its books end in June when everything in the market is much more quiter and slow." Rule 13. Osuuskunnan hallituksen puheenjohtajalla, sekä toimitusjohtajalla ja toimitusjohtajan sijaisella on toiminimenkirjoitusoikeus kullakin erikseen. Toiminimenkirjoitusoikeus voidaan hallituksen päätöksellä antaa myös muulle henkilölle. Osuuskunnan kokous päättää tai valtuuttaa hallituksen päättämään rajoituksista, joiden ylittämiseen tarvitaan vähintään kahta allekirjoitusta. The chairman of the board, the managing director and the vice managing director have the authority to sign the company name each individually. The authority to sign company name can be transferred to a third party by the board decision. The cooperative meeting decides or authorizes the board to decide about the restrictions over which two or more signatures are needed. Comment by the board: “With this change we wish downplay any image of the possibility of some one person doing damage to cooperative resources.” 7. Selecting and authorizing the board 8. Other items 9. Ending of the meeting
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 09:09:15 +0000

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