*Dear Men and Girls who dnt know a True Womans worth *. A - TopicsExpress


*Dear Men and Girls who dnt know a True Womans worth *. A womans tears are a way of expressing her joy,her sorrow,her pain,her disappointment,her loneliness,her grief and her pride -never Her Weakness. A Womans strengths are amazing- She bears hardships,helps carry others burdens, hold happiness and joy for others to share. She has a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart. She takes care of herself when she is sick and will still work 18 hour day inside and outside of her home. She will work for years without a real vacation or a real day off - She smiles when she wants to scream,sings when she wants to cry,Cries when she is happy and laugh when she is nervous. A woman cries when her children excel and cheers when her friends are achieving- She rejoices when she hears of a birth or a wedding and her heart breaks when she hears of a death. Yes she grieves at the loss of a family member or loved ones yet she is strong when everyone thinks there is no strength left in her. Look - A true Woman knows that a hug cure a broken heart and she will drive,walk to you to show how much she cares. She will email,text and call just because she cares about you and the thought about of you makes her the happiest woman ever. Then She brings Joy and hope, She has compassion and ideals - she gives moral support to family,firends and everyone, and she always has something vital to say even if the tumult around her trys to drown her out. A True Woman does all this abd expects nothing in return. Though her greatest flaw - she tends to forget her worth and lets others forget it too. Proverbs - 31 - teaches the way of the virtuous woman. It has been appointed out that the way of the ecclesia- the way of the Bride of Christ,the way that every sister and brother must live their lives. People are usually very critical of the very things that make women special - instead of criticizing, we ought to realize that wisdom is called a woman and her voice can be heard speaking to us wherver we look. Guys - you cry and worry much wen yu bleed a lil on yr finger, but a woman bleeds every month, and her power is shown wen she carries an angel in her womb for 9 months without a complain, remember - you were carried by her in her womb and here you are ryt now ,old,smart and able to read and type becuas of her. Start today and treat a true woman - with love,and respect. (A Womans tears)
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 09:40:58 +0000

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