Dear Motorists, I realize that I’m wearing an orange jersey - TopicsExpress


Dear Motorists, I realize that I’m wearing an orange jersey and traveling at 18 miles per hour, which is about 43 miles per hour slower than you are going. I too understand that it can be fun to see how close you can get to certain objects when you are driving. I watch Indy car racing too. But cyclists should never be one of those objects. Mostly for the fact that you don’t understand how your insurance works, or the fact that I, or my wife, can sue you beyond your coverage should you happen clip me. I record all my rides on my GoPro just in case. I know you’re upset that the Bears lost to the Packers, but I’m not wearing green and yellow. Don’t take your anger out on me. For the passengers looking out the back window as if to see if I’m alive after your flyby, well, here I am. I hope you can understand my one-handed communication. Please relay the message to the driver. I realize sharrows are as difficult for you to understand as it is for me to understand everyday math. But at least I give it the old college try. Its probably because you failed kindergarten, because its a very simple concept of sharing, which is generally covered by that age. For the fellow who rolled his window down to ask me why I can’t ride in that foot and a half of space between white line and the side of the road, well, why don’t you step on out of your car here, and I’ll show you the glass, metal and nails that tend to inhabit that space. No? Well, then you’ll just have to take my word for it. I love adventure as much as the next person. And yeah, danger adds a little excitement to the mix. But stupidity is another thing entirely. I’ve got danger covered. It’s why I’m so alert when I’m riding. But I can’t control your stupidity. If you see a cyclist, slow down, give them some space, and realize that you both get to your destination safe and sound.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 21:49:17 +0000

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