Dear Mr. CDC Man, I understand that you want to keep us all calm, - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr. CDC Man, I understand that you want to keep us all calm, that you are working hard, and that you only expect to have limited outbreaks of ebola and not widespread outbreaks. I have a few points of contention for you. First, exactly how do you define limited and widespread? You see, when its MY family that is lying in bed dying of a virus with a 70% mortality rate, limited seems pretty widespread to me. If it is YOU or someone you love that is lying in that same bed, I would suggest that the outbreak would seem a little more significant to you as well. All in all, the verbiage you use is rather vague and somewhat relative to the situation you find yourself in, and generally not helpful and does not lend one to a sense of comfort when you speak the words limited outbreak. I suggest you find a better way to define your meaning. And do it fast. Next, you tend to change directions rather quickly. Im not speaking of the manner in which you speak. You tend to remind us all of a lesson from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, and I find myself nodding off at times, but rather you talk as if we are all in kindergarten and explain things in a simple way and then in a few hours, you change your mind, change direction and explain it all away, very simply again. We are not kindergartners sir. Mr. Rogers is dead, and we dont want to be. Just give us the facts, and let us decide what is best for our families. You dont seem to be doing so well in the regard right now, which leads me to my next point. You have a nurse in the hospital with ebola RIGHT NOW, due to a flaw in the protocol set forth by the CDC (oopsie.. that would be YOU, sir). You have stated multiple times (I have been paying attention and watching) that you would not be surprised, that you expect, and that you are watching other nurses and staff and expect others, specifically one other nurse, to test positive for ebola. So along comes this nurse (the one you were watching? Only YOU would know that) with a fever (sign of ebola), calls in to the CDC Hey guys, Im being watched for signs of ebola and guess what? I have a temperature. Dang it all. What do I do? And what does the CDC advise her to do? Hey, honey, thats quite all right! Go and get on a plane! Have a wonderful weekend. See you next week! Buh bye! Off she goes. One-hundred and thirty-two people on that plane with a woman with ebola. And YOU put her there. You are screening people coming in from Africa that you wont let on planes running temperatures for fear of carrying ebola, and YOU put a woman that you KNOWLING had recent exposure to ebola patient who DIED, worked with a woman who is a CURRENT ebola patient, is on a watch LIST for ebola symptoms, AND is currently running a fever, which means she herself is showing symptoms of ebola, and you tell her, Sure. Go and get on a plane. Really? I would like to know WHO in the CDC set THAT particular protocol? So here is where its at: You change information on ebola itself daily - the public does not feel its getting the real story from the CDC. The WHO (World Health Organization) is screaming to isolate Africa and shut down the airlines to contain this (maybe YOU should visit their websites. They have some really good information there. You could learn something). We have a President who says ebola wont make it here and if it does, we will contain it; not happening so much. We have quickie tests happening where people are screened and sent off in a matter of minutes to hours (WHO states that is impossible to do and takes a minimum of 48 hours to actually clear a person of ebola - for real and not a fake clear); that there are actually cases of ebola that incubate for up to 42 days and that you may be releasing people into the public that have been given the all clear who are in fact NO healthy (1 in 20 in Africa have been cleared only to come down with ebola 21 additional days later, hence the repeated hot spots and why they are having such difficulties getting it under control. Just something else to consider); and now we have nurses that are not getting trained, doctors who have no idea what they are looking at in the ERs, and generally a pathetic system to contain a level IV biohazard that you insist we can control and contain when we cant even contain a simple staph infection inside our own hospitals in the U.S. Add to this the debacle of the recent nurse being cleared by the CDC to get on a commercial plane with ebola symptoms (running a temp). The public has lost its trust in the CDC. People have started to call for your resignation. Forty percent of the public are not comfortable with what is going on now. Give it five more cases, and they will be screaming from the tops of the buildings for your resignation. Ten more cases after that, and they will be walking up and down the streets with your picture in one hand and a noose in the other. Sir, I really hope you know what the hell you are doing. We, as the public, feel adrift. You are not giving us much to hold on to here. Each time you open your mouth, you are making it worse. Pick a story and stick with it. Tell your people to pull themselves together and TRY to ACT like they are quarantining this virus, because at this point, that is what it feels like. An act. This does not feel like a real attempt to stop this virus. Letting a person on a commercial plane that has been exposed to ebola, running a fever feels like a very real attempt to spread this virus, and that is a criminal AND prosecutable offense and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. And if my family member was on that plane, and they should become sick with ebola, I would list YOU at the top of my lawsuit, sir, because you, in the end are directly responsible for allowing this to continue on.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 10:38:00 +0000

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