Dear Mr Cameron, Combining mental illness with mandatory - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr Cameron, Combining mental illness with mandatory jobseeking support or face sanctions. Lets think about this for a bit. It would be easy to just ridicule the DWP as just plain dumb as a frayed mooring rope but its far too vile and malicious to allow it to slip away so easily. Lord Freud, Iain Duncan Smith and Esther McVey lead the field in the UK in vicious, abusive, punitive, policies that guarantee the maximum distress for the poorest and most vulnerable. But they are not alone, Osbornes charm offensive in the north promises to use the welfare budget to built infrastructure. Grayling has destroyed legal aid and therefore justice for the many. Starving kids are so desperate for food they are raiding bins. Thousands of children are snatched in the UK by the state. Frackers are land and rights grabbing in the UK. This is Britain today under your party. This is policy, not accident. This is Britain in the grip of the most abusive government in its history and history is what we must look to because it is the history of imperialism. I read every day people likening all this to Nazi Germany but they need to go further back. We forget history at our peril and we are indeed in peril. We need to look to the indigenous peoples of America and Australia and their treatment by British and European invaders to get a better picture of what is now being imposed by your government on ordinary people in the UK; people being cleansed from the land. I mean no disrespect to the indigenous victims of genocidal invaders to say that their treatment is the blueprint of what is happening in the UK today. Of course there are refinements, seeking to disguise brutal policies under the smarm of whats good for Britain and the extensive use of propaganda and PR of which Edward Bernays, the inventor of PR, would be proud. But what it is and remains is imperial brutality and, then as now, too many people are asleep to the realities unfolding around them or are too afraid to face them. Neoliberalism is just a rehash of the violence of imperialism and it is the greatest evil this planet has ever faced.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 21:13:59 +0000

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