Dear Mr. Fred Durst Kevin James, allow me to destroy Creationism - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr. Fred Durst Kevin James, allow me to destroy Creationism in a few words. how much faith do you have to actually believe, a loving deity (same loving and forgiving higher power that, after spiritual death, if you dont pray enough, sends you in hell fire to be tortured perpetually) sent itself down to earth and impregnate a jewish virgin to give birth to said deity? how much faith do you actually believe that, a god created one man and one woman, to produced 6+ billion people? so your god is an intelligent being? so all the natural disasters in New Orleans, New York, Haiti, Japan, The Philippines and much much more (which killed millions of fathers, mothers, children, infants, etc) is all part of an executive action? does not seem very smart to me, and a lot would agree. science is the only holy thing on this earth. science is about trial and error. there is science everywhere. how do you think that hat fit your head? scientific, trail and error. i know you cant wear a square hat. i really find it hard to believe in someone or something, that i can not see and/or physically feel. in my stupid opinion, religion is what causes wars, women to be sub par to men, hate on anyone not equal to the Christian ways (ex. gays, race, the poor, etc), torture (The Crusade, Salem Witch Trials, the Inquisition and many more) what has science done? cure ailments (polio, bubonic plague, seizures, etc ), help wounded soldiers back on their feet with prosthetics, cause a soldier of god blew up his/her platoon, made the phone youre using and the car youre driving, to talk down on science. so next time you bash on science, just walk around and talk to uninterested people, dont use science to bash on science. unlike your god, science can be seen, heard, felt by all humans.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 08:51:09 +0000

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