Dear Mr. Kejriwal, You are a fraud. The party that you made is a - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr. Kejriwal, You are a fraud. The party that you made is a fraud. The Aam Aadmi moniker that you took, fooled many like me into thinking that it was a middle-class party. Today, it has shown that it is also made up of goondas who can appear at short notice to attack a high-profile target like the BJP office. No, dont even tell me that they were volunteers. Which aam aadmi can afford to appear on a working Wednesday, within an hour of an SMS being sent - with rods and stones? They were goondas, first and foremost. If they were hired by you for this riot, bad. If they BELONG to your party - worse, terrible. Then you are as much or an even worse goonda party than any other. Now let me tell you why you are bad for this country. 1. You have 2 standards for a fight. One for yourself - in which there are no rules, and all holds are allowed. And another for the opposition - in which their one hand is tied behind their back. You can declare opposition candidates as corrupt in party meetings attended by the press, but woe betide them if they question you where your 2 crore funds from the Ford Foundation went. 2. You wave a 370 page document as evidence against Sheila Dixit in the face of the media when you are with the IAC - and then, when you come to power, you say there is no evidence to prosecute Sheila Dixit. What do you take us for? Fools? 3. When you are given permission to hold a rally, thats what you do. Rahul Gandhi did that, and went out of Ahmedabad after the job was done. But what did you do? You went deep into the city to expose Modi. Let me tell you here, you can go anywhere you want in India and roam like a wild bull - but only as a private citizen. NOT with an entourage that causes traffic jams. 4. How exactly can you disprove Modis claims in Gujarat? By rushing straight to a hospital and proving there are no doctors in it? By barging into offices and showing there are no clerks in it? 5. You are a one-trick pony. Jan Lokpal Chant Jan Lokpal 1001 times and whoosh! All of Indias problems will vanish into thin air. Corruption, poverty, unemployment, low productivity, inflation, judicial corruption ..... yes, name it! It will all vanish! Because, you know what, Jan Lokpal will come with the superman cape and Gods very powers of observation. 6. Your crony Prashant Bhushan argues for Kashmirs liberation, fights for terrorists and bombers like Madani. You say it is his personal opinion, and not AAP policy? Who are you fooling? Who will be the Home Minister if AAP comes to power at the center? Will your second-in-command - your HM - not have a say in the government? Will he not be soft on terror and Maoism? Making fools out of lot of people, but not all the people at all times. I would vote for MODI, because I would like to vote for change. But let me tell you today - if I dont have that choice, and I can only choose between voting for Rahul Gandhi & you, I would vote for Rahul Gandhi, who - despite his brother-in-laws deep-rooted corruption, the Kalmadis of his party and Pawars of the world as his allies, is still the known devil. You, on the other hand, are into dangerous company - : 1. Prashant Bhushan: Who wants to give away Kashmir, and fights cases for terrorists like Madani. 2. Medha Patkar: All she has done is fight against dams. If you ask what constructive work she has done, the answer is Zilch! 3. Sabyasachi Panda - the Maoist leader who is a wanted man has joined you today. There are more, many more, but I cant list them all. I am just a worker bee, and my time is precious you see. I do not have funds from the Ford Foundation to back me. Who do you have in the name of senior bureaucrats and army officers with experience on what works and what doesnt? - Shared by our page members -
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 10:16:45 +0000

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