Dear Mr. Obama, You always make your plans sound so morally - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr. Obama, You always make your plans sound so morally correct and American. You have a way of making people believe you when you talk, especially when you reference scripture. But the truth is, you have no idea how your plans hurt Americans, especially middle class Americans. The young lady you used as an example tonight in your speech that came here when she was 4 because her parents brought her here from Mexico sounds like a wonderful person. She worked hard in school, didnt break any laws, and now is obtaining her third college degree. She should be very proud of herself. The thing is Mr. Obama, who paid for her schooling, elementary, high school, and then her three college degrees? Who paid for her health care when she was sick? Sure, she worked hard, as did her parents who worked without paying taxes to America, but somebody had to pay for her to be educated in this country and stay healthy and immunized. Maybe her parents paid cash for all her health care needs and maybe she put herself through college..... but I doubt it. The thing is Mr. Obama, I cant afford to pay taxes to a government who uses my money for people who are breaking our laws. I cant afford to pay for their healthcare because I cant even afford my own that went up last year even though you promised it wouldnt. I cant afford to pay for her three college degrees that she probably used grants and aid to get, because I am trying to pay for one degree for each of my three children. You are right when you say that America is a nation of immigrants. We are. My great grandparents came here from Italy and went through Ellis Island. They had to pass all kinds of medical exams, financial requirements, and background checks before they could legally be admitted into our country and off of Ellis Island. Do you know that many immigrants got sent back to their home country because they did not pass the health exam? Yes- often a husband or wife would get back on the boat that brought them here and leave their whole family in America because an illness would not allow them to stay here. Those immigrants that got to stay did not rely on the government for a check for one day of their lives. They worked hard, and they made their children teach them English because they were proud to be American. They didnt ask anyone to speak Italian so they could understand. They learned English as quickly as they could. Being a nation of immigrants is something to be proud of. But, what you are doing to our country is not something to be proud of. The changes you are making to our country, and the laws you are breaking to make these changes are shameful. You have no respect for our Constitution and you obviously dont care how the average American struggles to make ends meet. I do care about the immigration problem we have in this country, Mr. Obama. I do care about those people.But, that doesnt change the fact that they broke laws to get here, and that they show no respect for our system. And, frankly, Mr. President, neither do you.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 04:59:33 +0000

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