Dear Mr. President, It is this year one hundred years ago that - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr. President, It is this year one hundred years ago that the world fought a bitter war in which over six million people died, some at the prime of their lives, I sometimes wonder why has million of men and women choose to fight in defence of their motherland or join Armies ? Others believe it is For peace and a secured world Nigeria is also one hundred years old as a unified colonial possession of the British crown and one hundred days this week since Boko Haram abducted over two hundred girls in Nothern Nigeria. Big brother Nigeria, is a nice fellow, the five hundred thousand dollars Ebola donation from her is in my mind! South Africa....Hmmmmmmm, ooooooopppppsss, crab it......., Inward looking and not his bothers keeper! Moreover, I have always argued that we do not need an army during peacetime but lately I am beginning to have a mind shift, for as long as there are men, there will always be violence, so we need institutions and armies to control men and violence, but ah in mama Salone today, the military of which you are Commander-in-Chief is a crippling reality and for some military analyst a dysfunctional entity. Soldiers who live in squalid slave like housing facilities in all their forward basis: Sanya, Sinkunia , Kukuna, Njaigbaima Fiyama, Koindu, Zimmi and Bomaru . The conditions under which they serve : medical, transportation and welfare is horrifying and deplorable. some retired servicemen receive a monthly pension of Seventy thousand Leones, appear unkempt, shabby and wallowing in extreme poverty.Operation Pebu was an interim arrangement and a disaster which benefited a few Military top brass and an Anglo-Lebanese family but in spite of all these woes they remain loyal to country ,President and ready to died so that the nation lives. Their Bambu hut barracks are all clean, tidy with iron fist discipline as it core value. I salute the gallantry, bravery and the heroic sacrifices of our Armed forces. Mr. President, that reminds when Umaro Fofanah twitted two days ago that Shiek Umaro Khan is Ebola positive. Dr. Khan, I will describe as a fearless field commander at the centre of a biological war that threatens everyone in the country and in the words of Dr. Matthew Lukwiya, a 43 year old Ugandan doctor who was at the forefront of the fight against Ebola in his country in 2000 and fell prey to the disease on December 5, 2000 said Oh, God, I think I will die in my service and If I die, let me be the last. The disease continue to wreck havoc on medics who are at the frontline of the fight against her, over thirty of their numbers including Mbalu Fonnie one of the most recent heroine have paid with their lives for the profession they love. They laid their lives so that we will live ! May their souls rest in Peace. Dr. Lukwiya on his death bed urged his colleagues to move on and continue the good fight onward, Christian Soldiers so let us fight it with all our might as it has a tendency to erode all the gains we have made as a Nation. I am worried as Ebola is now in Makeni, everywhere in the land there is Ebola. Oh God save mama Salone! Mr. President, I will urge you not to cancelled or turn down your invitation from President Obama as some megaphone Ebola fighters are insinuating. Please attend this meeting and use the forum to appeal to the world to come and help you in our fight against Ebola. I will suggest you meet Presidents Musuveni and Kabila while in the US and learn from them on how their countries have been able to overcome Ebola but do not borrow a leaf on hanging on to power or third semester. I am sure you will visits the Ebola belt when you are back with something to tell the nation after the annual African jamboree in Washington for African political elites. I am disappointed that octogenarian Uncle Bob of Zimbabwe will not be there to give the Americans a dressing down. The 20th commonwealth games kicked off two days at Celtic park in Glasgow, Scotland with 4500 sportsmen and women competing for glory, Abdul Rashid Bangura, a boxer from Mama Salone and first time traveller to Europe will be fighting to honour the memory of his father and our Country. Should he win a medal he has promise handing it over to you as a token of his love for his country. Mr. President, The People of Mapoli , who are untouched by the trappings of modernity and your agenda for prosperity in the Safroko Limba chiefdom send you their fraternal greetings. I saw this gigantic poster of you hanging and smiling to my Okada rider and I in a magnificent house at Kapete village on a visit to Mapoli village last Wednesday. It will take me a lifetime should I want to build that house in Makeni with my teachers salary. I wish the Government , People of Sierra Leone and your Excellency a happy Eid Mubarak in advance. Sincerely yours, Unisa P. Kamara( UPK ) University of Makeni Friday, July 25, 2014
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 02:50:23 +0000

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