Dear Mr. President, Just like you, I have children. And - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr. President, Just like you, I have children. And just like you, I want them to grow up in a world where they are treated equal, and free. At the rate that we are going right now in this current state I think that our rights are being depleted. You claim that you want Change for the citizens of the United States, but yet you blatantly disregard the laws that you helped put into place. You released 5 high valued targets from Gitmo for the known deserter that cost the lives of at least 6 of our finest. I am all for a son, daughter, niece, nephew etc, being reunited with their family, because I couldnt imagine being away from my child for that amount of time not knowing if they were safe or not. BUT, when you brought this young man home, you put the lives of MY children and MY family at risk. Because you went above everyone else to make this deal. The sad part about this whole ordeal is you pulled one of your magic tricks to make Americans think that you were visiting soldiers on Memorial Day, when really you were negotiating a deal with KNOWN terrorists. AMERICANS DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS. Why is it that you can save one soldier who knowingly walked off post and turned himself into the Taliban yet you couldnt stop Benghazi. You left Americans to die while you went to bed. I know that wouldnt feel good on my conscience. Then again, I have one. As far as I am concerned, you are as much as a traitor as he is. You must not value the lives of the American citizens as much as you say you do, otherwise you would have thought this out a bit more. There are many things wrong with this country, and a lot them you didnt do. But you havent helped the situation any more, you have only made some of them worse. The Economic State of the country has gone down significantly in the last 10 years, and I realize that you arent the only one to blame. Yet you say you wanted Change. Well, Sir, I have seen NOTHING changing for the better. Only for the worse. The value of our dollar is considered a joke now. I some days am afraid for my children to grow up in this world because someone who said that they wanted Change isnt making much progress. Things dont happen over night, understandably. But I, and so many other frustrated Americans feel that you could be doing more as our Commander in Chief. As the wife, daughter and grand daughter of Military Members, I am deeply saddened and scared for the future of our children. You should be doing more not only for YOUR children, but for our children as well. There are thousands of children a day that do not eat, are kid napped, among many other things. And yet your focus is on granting citizenship to illegal aliens with known criminal history. You do realize that we cant support ourselves if you continue to bring everyone else into this country. Before you think that sounds a little brash, think about it like this. The more people we have to support, the more children that have to go to school, the more funding our schools are going to need to support said children, means more money being borrowed on an already high tab. Something has to give for this country, and it has to happen sooner rather than later. When was the last time that you went and visited a wounded warrior in the hospital? Seriously? Do you have a date? If you have time to go golfing 100+ times then you certainly have the time to go and visit that service member who gave you the freedom to go and do all the fun things that they may never be able to do again. How about Michelle stops going on vacations all over the world spending over $100 Million of tax payer money, when it could have gone to the VA. Speaking the VA, that money could have helped hire better doctors, nurses or hell, MORE of them and built more facilities that would reduce wait times so that veterans dont die due to lack of care by your administration. As an American, I can tell you that I am utterly disgusted with the way that you feel you can do what you please. Lavish vacations, making up things to be put into effect to where your citizens are concerned, and feeling that you can trump anyone because you are the POTUS. Sir, you are human just like the rest of us. Please use the brain that GOD gave you, and the heart that he granted you and put it to good use. There are so many problems on American Soil that need to be tended to, yet you find the need to deter us with magic tricks. Look over here at whats happening and then something terrible happens because we werent paying attention. We all need to wake up and look at the bigger picture. I know most will agree with me, while others will think that I am slamming him. I am telling the truth, or at least what we are being fed as the truth. So please, do everyone a favor and ACT like a President should. With dignity and respect for the American People. Signed, A concerned American If you agree, please share. I have made it public. I know I am not the only one who feels like this.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 00:53:52 +0000

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