Dear Mr President, Ref: Open letter 2 u on mismanagement of - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr President, Ref: Open letter 2 u on mismanagement of public affairs, Yes, Mr President, the country is evidently beseiged by several problems n threats, n the general public is apprehensive n needs this regard, the issues affecting the people include high cost of living beyond the reach of ordinary citizens, widespread n distructive state of insecurity, dibilating corruption in high corridors of power leading 2 wastage of public funds n resources, entrenched ethnicity in recruitment 2 public service jobs, Your government continues 2 exhibit an insatiable preference 2 one ethnic community in the recruitment 2 public service, In the context of the current economic hardships facing the citizens, this discriminative practice by your government is pretty clear 2 all n sandry n invokes high level resentment 4rm many quarters, I submit that such a practice can never engenda the rest of the populace to the government, in anyway. Your government entrenched impunity in the country by arrogantly displaying blatant disrespect 2 the rule of law as exemplified by disregard of court orders by senior officials of the government, even in cases where such officials hv openly acted in contravention of the law.. In conclusion Mr President, the cardinal responsibility of any government is to first and foremost protect the lives n property of itz citizens. Thus, as the President, ure nt only the Chief Executive of the country bt also the commander in Chief of all our security organs, U r the ultimate center of accountability in the country n so there is no point of unconvincing apportionment of blame here n there....The buck stops wid u.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 11:52:37 +0000

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