Dear Mr Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji, I am one of your most - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji, I am one of your most ardent fans. I have been observing you ever since you assumed office as the Chief Minster of the most economically backward state of India, Gujarat. Within 5 months of assuming office as CM, riots broke out in Gujarat. I was sure that the rioting will consume the whole of Gujarat but you used every skill that the ultra patriotic RSS had instilled in you and managed to bring the massacre under control within just 4 months. Many idiots termed the killings as Pogrom. They couldnt figure out the difference - Pogrom is spontaneous and comes to an end the moment the administration steps in whereas Riots are STATE SPONSORED and take months to control. I am sure you agree with my definition of Riots and Pogroms, right? Even the then Prime Minister of the country Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee advised you to follow Raj Dharma and you said you were precisely adhering to RAJ DHARMA. I was awestruck with your moral fibre. The other heroic incident during your tenure as CM that comes to mind is the rescue of Gujaratis marooned in Uttarakhands floods of 2013. More than half a million people including 15,000 Gujaratis had lost everything in their possession including any identification papers in the Uttarakhand floods. Yet you single handedly identified every one who belonged to your state and had him/her rescued and all this was carried out in a single day. Even the Indian Army is still struggling to figure out how you managed to pull off this miracle. There is no parallel to such heroism. I sometimes wonder if you hadnt been a politician, what would you have become? You guessed it right sir, Ace cinematographer! Core competence in cinematography would have been SELFIES. Along with 31% of Indians I am also awaiting the crediting of Rs 15,00,000/= into my Savings Bank account that you had promised to deliver within 150 days of assuming office as Prime Minister. Arvind Kejriwal says that your promises were false and you will deliver not even Rs 150/= into my account. He says that you first have to settle the Industrialists who bankrolled your marketing expenses during elections and that I along with the entire population of India is expected to repay them multifold on your behalf. I am going to upload a few pictures in the comments section seeing which, perhaps Arvind Kejriwal will also change his opinion and submit you his bank account details for you to deliver your promises into his account. Talking about pictures, I came across an application on Facebook which lets you find out which politician resembles you the most. I found mine was Barack Obama. I am sure Barack Obama would be mightily pleased when he uses the application and finds he resembles Athher Ahmed. You are probably thinking, this fellow is imitating my style. I agree! You are a social media savvy individual. You also please try that application sir. I am just hoping that Lalu Prasad Yadav doesn’t turn up as your alter ego. Please dont fail to look at the pictures in the comments section. They speak volumes about your moral fibre, heroism and talent at marketing. Yours truly Athher Ahmed.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 10:06:20 +0000

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