Dear Mr William Ruto I salute you sir, with due respect as my - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr William Ruto I salute you sir, with due respect as my elder brother in this Kenyan society, I greet you. I am just but that son of a retired teacher in some locality called Butula, Busia county. A man struggling to educate his 2 beautiful daughters and one handsome, strong young man. By the way, they are hard working in their respective classes. This is not however what I wanted to address you. You will acknowledge that Kenya is bleeding. Tribalism has taken root to a level that any simple Kenyan is asking questions. You and Uhuru were elected by your own voting blocks whether fairly or not, isn’t my issue. Of late we have witnessed your regime making public appointments favoring 2 tribes, mainly Kiuks and Kalenjins but of course your boss has taken a lion share living the bread cramps for you (Kale). When we make noise and a few level headed Kales leaders raises their voices towards this vice, you attend political rallies, open your beak, criticize and command that all beaks must be shut. That you and the president know exactly what you are doing. I beg to ask: ARE YOU ENCOURAGING THIS MAN TO PRACTICE TRIBALISM AND NEPOTISM? Some questions follow; if you encourage this trend how is my daughter assured that one day she will become the president of this country? Or since I am not directly related to Uhuru and you, will my son serve in any senior public position? Ruto, this is your chance. This is the time. You can either redeem Kenya from this York of tribalism and nepotism or you smile while this country as it goes to the dogs. You will remember one thing, you cant and you will never be compared with families of Kenyatta, Moi and Odinga. Their kids will always remain politically relevant generations after generations. But the political clout in your own family, ends with you Mr Ruto. You can put a stop at this scary vice that Uhuru is practicing with impunity. Remember, you are the only ‘remaining leg’ that’s is supporting Uhuru’s presidency. Your voice can rattle him and know that Kenya is bigger than him and his tribe. However if your boss cant listen to you, I have few words for you; - Reduce your political diarrhea towards CORD. - Start courting some cordial relationship with Luhyas and Luos leadership. This is the only block that will one day make you president, incase in your heart still harbor presidential ambitions. - Its your time to mold your reputation, massage your political ego and paint your name in the hearts of Kenyans. You put a stop to this tribalism, you win. - The other lethal strategies is to start teaming with CORD, let your URP law maker table a motion in the house to impeach your boss, then you will have a whole of CORD team on your bark. Become the president for the remaining years, call for national dialogue, form an all inclusive government. Come 2017, you will just win express at the ballot. Ruto, as a tax payer, we are tired. Punda amechoka. We need a change. We need a break from this colonization of one tribe. Lets secure the future of all Kenyans not specific tribe and specific families. Ni hayo tu mr fix it. I hope the landlord wont sent those tough guys to come for my balls hanging in between my legs. But in case they come for them, I have already dispensed the genes. They will pick it up where I have left. Good day Kenyans!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 08:00:56 +0000

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