Dear Mr or Mrs Whoever you are, since you are clearly not prepared - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr or Mrs Whoever you are, since you are clearly not prepared to put your name to your highly specious claims. Firstly I will address your assertions about mega celebrity Mr Michael Jackson. This man had his life ruined back in 2003 through 2005 by under intelligent people who wanted a huge pay day. They failed. They failed because patently the allegations against Mr Jackson were proved, through real evidence gathered, to be false. It cost Mr Jackson millions of dollars. It cost him his self esteem and ultimately it cost him his life since people like you cannot grasp the fact that he was found NOT GUILTY. Not just on one count, but on all the counts levelled against him. Sadly it was plain for all to see that those allegations ripped the mans soul from him. A celebrity so huge that Im sure even you enjoyed his work at some point in your life, dragged low by the very accusations that would hit him where it hurts. It was clear that Mr Jackson gave an awful lot of time and money to underprivileged children all over the world. He did a lot of good. For those out to make a lot of money, it was THE accusation of choice. Historically if one wishes to cause the most harm to a persons image you either accuse them of abuse or stealing. Any half intelligent person can work that out for themselves. But what irritates me the most is that now, when social media makes it even easier to hurt others, a rash of Facebook pages, web sites and such have been created, such as yours, to further spread these highly specious comments around the world. This isnt hurting Michael Jackson any more. He is dead. It is not possible to hurt him any more than has already occurred. The only people these pages are hurting now are children. Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson. Along with many thousands of teenage fans who happen across your page. Is that your intention? Because I really dont see what other purpose slandering a dead person has. Seriously. What purpose does your page serve? Tell me. Im interested. Secondly I fear for you. Because what a lot of people fail to see is the seriousness of putting out any kind of data on the Internet. Once you press that send button, its out there. And it belongs entirely to you. Yes you might use programs to scramble your location, but if an agency should be alerted to your content it is very easy to pinpoint who you are, where you live, what youre doing. Once you press send that content exists forever. Even if you delete it, it is still there. Like a finger print. You print it, you own it and its consequences for ever. Mr Jacksons estate is bottomless. No matter how many choose to continue spreading such vile and unnecessary comments, Mr Jackson will continue earning for many many years to come. His family have been in the news since his death due to their involvement in many law suits defending their loved ones image. When they are done with AEG Sony and others, they may just decide to turn their attention to people like you. And they would have a very good case too, your having been on here since the poor mans death attacking someone who cannot defend themselves. Its low. Cant you see that? And I really dont see how you could come out of that scenario with your life intact since they have billions of dollars with which to bring civil cases against you and by the law of averages, you probably dont have a lot of money to mount a defence. And what defence could you mount? Since Mr Jackson was PROVED INNOCENT. As we speak, laws are being put to Congress to protect the dead from your sort of posturing. When these laws are passed and they will be passed, people like you who persist in harassment of the dead will have a lot to answer to. So I suggest you take down your page. Not just because it is in extremely poor taste, but to protect yourself from costly litigation. For the sake of the children who dont need to see these things. For the sake of decency, because you are a decent person. I would very much like to see it removed within the next 48 hours. If the page is still up after this time, I will notify Mr John Branca, the lawyer in charge of Mr Jacksons estate. Litigation will follow. You are entitled to your own opinions. But when those opinions are in such bad taste, perhaps it is best to keep them to yourself. Not just for the sake of others, but in the interests of protecting your own image. Do you really want to be known as a person who is prepared to speak such Ill of the dead? I think not. Sincerely L Eagling (I do put my name to this)
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 10:21:21 +0000

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