Dear My Facebook Peeps: Im not feeling particularly Shakespearean - TopicsExpress


Dear My Facebook Peeps: Im not feeling particularly Shakespearean this moment, so Im just gonna say this the way it comes out. Today is Easter, but its really Resurrection Sunday...the day the God miraculously raised Jesus Christ from the dead so that each and every one of us is given open invitation to at last find what we inherently and subconsciously search for our whole lives, reconciliation with our God. The day I truly submitted my life to Jesus, not even knowing what was beyond that moment, I experienced the first supernatural, real, eternal love and security I never knew existed. I was instantly filled with the presence of God which surpasses human understanding, and once you get a glimpse or a taste of that, everything on earth is a shoddy substitute. Thats why I can tell you about Jesus, but I cant explain the reality; you must do it for yourself, for it is a matter of the heart...invisible, intangible, yet more real than anything you can touch. I never looked back, come hell or high water, and there have been some serious challenges in my life, which many of you are aware of. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that whatever comes my way, Hes got it; even if I cant see it. Hes got my children, my family, my future, and His hand protects me from things I will never know of until I get to heaven and look back on my life with Him. Because of the decision I made on September 12, 1986 to take Jesus at His Word and believe in Him, I have an awesome life. This is the short list, because if I listed everything, Stan Breedlove, Phil McCracken, and Jennifer Osborne Wykoff will chew me out. 1. I am not paralyzed on my right side, which rightfully, I should have been considering my procrastination to see a neurological specialist, and the fact that I am periodically a PROFESSIONAL at denial. I have no lingering effects from the 3 disintegrated vertebrate and disc that herniated into my spinal cord for an extended period of time. If you dont believe in miracles, call me for proof. 2. When my hubby died in September, I crumbled. It took a little bit, but I asked God Why?. He answered me. It soothed my heart, put my questions completely to rest, and His answer left me grateful to have had 13 years with Jared the father. I love the ability to trust God despite the fact that frequently I have no answers; I have found that if you trust Him first, which IS faith, He will give you the answers later. Never fails. How many people can say that God ANSWERS them...yet the Bible is very clear in Jeremiah 33:3 where He says Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Yup...and I have found this true since I first loved Him. 3. I dont have to worry about my children when theyre not in my sight; I KNOW that my covenant with Jesus extends to my children, and that all the might of heaven surrounds them wherever they go. I also tell them not to lie to their mama, because if I dont see them perpetrate a shenanigan, God will tell me. Ask Son #1 how painfully true this is. HA! That, my friends, is job security. 4. I have everything I could ever want or need, and I always will. Whatever turn my life takes, God has NEVER failed to turn it into something He says, Romans 8:28: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. People ask all the time about calamity, but the key here is all things work for good to THEM THAT LOVE GOD. Do you love Him? Its two sided. Jesus already did His part; you need to do yours. When the Bible says you need to be saved, its true. So simple, Romans 10:8-17 8 But what does it say? The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart: that is, the word of faith of which we are the preachers: 9 Because, if you say with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and have faith in your heart that God has made him come back from the dead, you will have salvation: 10 For with the heart man has faith to get righteousness, and with the mouth he says that Jesus is Lord to get salvation. 11 Because it is said in the holy Writings, Whoever has faith in him will not be shamed. 12 And the Jew is not different from the Greek: for there is the same Lord of all, who is good to all who have hope in his name: 13 Because, Whoever will give worship to the name of the Lord will get salvation. 14 But how will they give worship to him in whom they have no faith? and how will they have faith in him of whom they have not had news? and how will they have news without a preacher? 15 And how will there be preachers if they are not sent? As it is said, How beautiful are the feet of those who give the glad news of good things. 16 But they have not all given ear to the good news. For Isaiah says, Lord, who has had faith in our word? 17 So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. 5. My future is secure; my kids are secure; I know EXACTLY what God thinks, and this is it: Jeremiah 29:11-14 For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. OMG...does it get better than that? God says that the heart of man cant even begin to imagine the good things God has planned for each of us individually because they are revealed to us through His if you dont KNOW JESUS, youll never find out; youre gonna miss the higher life, the best life. Im a safety girl; I dont take chances, I love a sure thing, and I dont gamble. I also hate to lose, but dont tell my kids. Im trying to teach them good sportsmanship. I dont have to worry about my future, because I know Gods got it. Ill be fine despite the economy, the world situation, or anything else for that matter. So, my friends, this is my version of the short list. I would be remiss if I did not tell you what this day means to me, so you can enjoy the same incredible salvation that I do, every day. You know, sometimes people think you need a Savior because youre in dire straights; but everyone needs a Savior. You may think your life is good, but did you ever stop to think that you need to know what youre missing? Youll kick yourself for practicing self-sufficiency like a moron for so long. I love you all...and Happy Resurrection Sunday. Heres to new life! Mwah!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 16:33:55 +0000

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