Dear NaturalNews readers, Today, S.D. Wells covers the top 7 - TopicsExpress


Dear NaturalNews readers, Today, S.D. Wells covers the top 7 natural cancer cures that got buried by the FDA, CDC and AMA: naturalnews/042688_natural_medicine_cancer_cures_government_agencies.html My own feature article for today covers the U.S. governments new scheme to put black box trackers into every vehicle you own (to tax you, track you and control your vehicle) naturalnews/042690_vehicle_black_boxes_mileage_taxes_remote_control.html Analysis reveals that Obamacare will cause millions to lose their health insurance (its already happening!) naturalnews/042689_Obamacare_health_insurance_freedom_of_choice.html Treat high blood pressure with garlic: naturalnews/042686_garlic_hypertension_food_cures.html And here are the top 10 reasons to take spirulina every day: naturalnews/042685_spirulina_health_benefits_superfoods.html More news continues below... Sponsor: Get 50% off Vitamin O, a stabilized oxygen supplement that has thousands of loyal fans. Sponsor: Reduce chronic inflammation naturally with Get Grounded Footwear. 10% off & shipping included. Made in USA Sponsor: PCA is the only product specifically developed to help remove pesticides, phthalates, metals, PCB, VOC, BPA, etc Monday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Dr. Buttar and RSB discuss more ways to recover children who are vaccine-injured. Liana Werner-Gray returns with more updates on The Earth Diet. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at NaturalNewsRadio Today from BLOGS.naturalnews: - Nutritional support for fibromyalgia pain - DIY hair gel recipe - The mother of all superfoods Federal government planning black box vehicle mandate to track, tax and even remotely control all personal vehicles (NaturalNews) The federal government is working on a plan that would mandate black box tracking devices be installed in every vehicle, with real-time uploading of vehicle location, speed and mileage to government authorities. This Orwellian technology... Obamacare will cause millions of Americans to lose their health insurance (NaturalNews) Much of the attention lately concerning Obamacare has been focused on the complete failure of the government website to operate as promised, a failure that has prevented virtually everyone who has thus far tried from actually signing up... Top seven natural cures for cancer that got buried by the FDA, AMA, CDC (NaturalNews) How do you keep the spread of cancer growing? Bury the cure. How do you keep 1.5 million Americans infested yearly with mutated cells that multiply uncontrollably? You breed cancer in food and medicine. How many years ago did America... The evidence is clear: Fukushima radiation is still tearing up West Coast of USA (NaturalNews) As cleanup crews gear themselves up to begin the treacherous task of removing 400 tons of spent fuel from the Fukushima Daiichi Reactor No. 4 in the coming weeks, reports continue to flood in showing that radiation from the stricken plant... Treat and prevent high blood pressure naturally with garlic (NaturalNews) Garlic has become so popular in recent times because a lot of researchers have confirmed its effectiveness to act as a natural and healthy medicinal herb. In fact, it has been one of the most strongly recommended healing medicines and foods... 10 reasons to take spirulina every day (NaturalNews) We talk a lot about superfoods here at NaturalNews because there are literally thousands of nutrient-dense superfood options from which to choose, all of which contain a unique array of disease-fighting vitamins, minerals, enzymes... Unraveling food industry lies - Many honey and spice products are counterfeit (NaturalNews) It might be a hard pill for many people to swallow, but a significant segment of the food industry is built on a foundation of lies and deception. Grocery store and supermarket shelves everywhere are literally filled to the brim with products... Quinoa questionable as a gluten free grain (NaturalNews) Cultivated in the Andes for over 5,000 years, quinoa is a grain-like seed that has long been used by the gluten-free community for its high nutritional offering and protein content (roughly 18 percent). A super grain thought to be reliable... Study shows nutritional supplements can cut hospital readmission rates (NaturalNews) Eleven years of groundbreaking research and data analysis on hospitalized Medicare patients is to be presented at the 35th annual meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making in Baltimore, Maryland. The analysis has found positive... Workplace drug tests victimizing innocent people who cant urinate on demand (NaturalNews) Having to urinate in small containers to provide urine specimens for any reason is not something most of us look forward to. But when it comes to random drug testing for the sake of ensuring an employer has a drug free environment, it can... Sacha inchi seeds: A gift from the Amazon (NaturalNews) Sacha inchi is a plant native to the Amazon rainforest in Peru. It is characterized by its star-shaped, green leaves, towering height (it can often reach two meters or higher), white flowers and edible seeds. These seeds, which look like... FDA finally admits conventional chicken contains toxic arsenic (NaturalNews) Late to the game as always, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finally admitted that cancer-causing drug compounds intentionally added to conventional chicken feed for the last 60 years, indeed, persist in chicken meat. According... Banned toxic pesticides are locked up in frozen sea ice, warn scientists (NaturalNews) DDT, HCB and OPCs. These and numerous other banned pesticides and chemicals are no longer being sold commercially. But does that mean they are no longer a threat to human health? A new study recently released by scientists from Denmark and... High protein intake puts extreme dieters at risk for heart attack and stroke (NaturalNews) A study from Sweden recently found concerning health implications for individuals who follow a high protein diet. After the influence of the Atkins diet reached its peak in the 1990s, many people have come to demonize carbohydrates as a... The connection between oral pathology and the development of cancer (NaturalNews) In a book entitled Saving Victorias Breasts, author Fred Hughes exposes the horrible abuse that one woman had to suffer at the hands of the cancer industry. He also explores the various reasons that cancer appears in the body and... For the first time, FDA announces safety rules for pet food manufacturers (and they actually make sense) (NaturalNews) In the wake of yet another wave of animals deaths caused by tainted pet treats, the FDA has just announced new Preventive Controls for Food for Animals rules... P.S. All Natural News email subscribers get a 5% discount at the Natural News Store, including on astaxanthin and spirulina. (Does not apply to quantity discounts or special sale items.) Use discount code nn1013 at store.naturalnews
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 03:04:45 +0000

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