Dear Neighbors, Concerned Citizens and voters in - TopicsExpress


Dear Neighbors, Concerned Citizens and voters in Chicago, Governor Quinn needs to go. He chose to flip flop on the taxpayers, refusing to hold UNO Charter Schools accountable for the $98 million grant: no checks and balances, and no serious consequences for UNO’s unethical leadership. Worse than an unethical charter school operator abusing our tax dollars is a Governor who is abusing his power as an elected official. Please take a moment to read the following articles about UNO Charter Schools that appeared in the Chicago Sun Times on Saturday June 8 and Sunday June 9, 2013. suntimes/20601746-761/gov-quinn-to-restore-taxpayer-funding-for-uno-school.html suntimes/news/metro/20620469-418/quinn-no-shenanigans-with-uno-grant.html Taxpayers are being robbed, and children are not getting a quality public education. Please see the attached article regarding the continuing ethics investigation into UNO Charter Schools. Aspira Inc. of Illinois and UNO have many commonalities: nepotism, cronyism, leaderless and clouds of scandal suntimes/23401716-761/emanuel-ducks-questions-over-uno-chief.html We also know that Aspira’s educational standards are sub-par, and students would be better served by neighborhood CPS schools, which have proven higher standards and outcomes. According to Mayor Emanuel, higher quality education is his number one priority. So why is he still supporting expanding Aspira’s charter and new campus, with YOUR tax dollars! Aspira and UNO privately run charter schools that are funded by YOUR tax dollars, with minimal accountability. The fact is, Aspira students are receiving a sub-standard education and the tax payers are being robbed. It’s time to put a stop to it. Aspira was forced by the Chicago Board of Education to shutter one campus because of abysmal results and low student enrollment, but at the same time was given the green light to build another high school at Milwaukee and Monticello. Does this make ANY sense whatsoever? Only in the clout heavy reality of Chicago politics. As of today, Aspira’s website shows false management and officers. Allegedly, the real President and CEO of Aspira is Dr. Wanta Figueroa, who lives in New York. Aspira has a lot to answer for. They are not responding to tough questions, or even being truthful about who is running the show, which raises more questions about their cronyism. Adding insult to injury, Governor Pat Quinn rewarded Aspira’s political powerhouse with an unfettered $12 million grant that require ZERO accountability. And Aspira’s biggest political backers are State Senator Iris Martinez and Alderman Ariel Reboryas, who continue to lobby for additional campuses and more and more and more taxpayer money to funnel into Aspira’s pockets. It is comical, Aspira’s new campus at Milwaukee and Monticello has minimal community support: Alderman Reboyras is proving what is in it for his retirement. And who approves paying Aspira? Governor Pat Quinn, the same person who lies about his approving-then revoking -then approving again- then revoking again-taxpayer money for UNO. Just like Pinocchio, call him “Quinnocchio.” Think about that when you vote for Governor. Governor Quinn should be voted out for awarding Aspira a 12 million dollar grant without any direction or accountability, when Aspira’s state academic report card shows dismal educational results. Illinois residents and the students deserve REAL school choice and a voucher program. The election is in March 2014. Say NO to Governor “Quinnocchio”.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 04:29:15 +0000

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