Dear Noble Parents, I pray that our Noble family is all well - TopicsExpress


Dear Noble Parents, I pray that our Noble family is all well and has had a wonderful winter break. As parents, our daily actions speak volumes to our children. What we do resonates so deeply within our children’s hearts and minds then what we say. Our daily habits are inadvertently ingrained into our children without us realizing. For those of us who have older and more independent children, we experience this when we see how our children behave in an unsheltered world. All of us share in the collective goal of wanting our children to be strong Muslims, and hence we have chosen them to be in an Islamic school. But do we as parents demonstrate and model what we want for our children at home. I am the first to admit…no. And thus, I always make duaa that my children are better than I am, that they are not limited because of my weaknesses as a parent, and that they stand for me on the Day of Judgment and testify that as a parent …I tried to do the best I can with them. I spoke to our students about leading an important new initiative with everyone in their family. I shared with them the realities of how we as Muslims get caught up in so many of our responsibilities and obligations that we forget the most important obligation we have, and that is to Allah. The frankness of the conversation led to the sad certainty that many Muslims can go for days, weeks, and months without having opened the Quran to read. For that reason, I asked our students, our young Noble leaders, to lead an effort in encouraging every member of the family to read only one ayah of the Quran a day; and for our parents who may not know how to read Arabic, to read the ayah together with them. I concluded my talk with the students by reminding them they can be an advocate for positive change on their families; that they can instrumentally bring their fathers, mothers, siblings, aunts, uncles, etc, all closer to Allah if they become consistent in creating this wonderful habit of getting the people they love to read the Quran daily. Moreover, I told them that reading the Quran daily, will open other doors. Some family members may be inspired to go further and may spend time reading the meaning of the ayah which will develop a further understanding of our beautiful religion, and ultimately lead to, Insha Allah, an elevated level of Iman. How wonderful would it be if we collectively all began to encourage each other to read the Quran daily, just one ayah. The strength of our community in seeking the pleasure of Allah, and the Baraka we would all receive in our homes and with our families. Bismillah, let us make the intention to commit to this, one aya of Quran a day. Let us make the intention that we will participate in this great habit that will Insha Allah transfer to our children. I pray that Allah bring us closer to him. I pray that Allah make our children the best of their generation. I pray that Allah bless the Noble community because we are all here because we want our children to be strong Muslims that serve him alone. May Allah protect the Noble community. Sr. Amanny
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 20:15:00 +0000

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