Dear Obama and first lunch lady, I want to begin by telling - TopicsExpress


Dear Obama and first lunch lady, I want to begin by telling you how my family will be gathering around the holiday dinner table soon. You can believe we will be discussing how you have changed America. We will be discussing how you have let America down and made us look weak to all the other countries in the world by bowing to other dictators you so desire to be. We also will be discussing how Michelle has overstepped her boundaries. We discussed it and we all agree she needs to take her silver spoon out of her mouth before she starts slapping the spoon out of our mouth. We will acknowledge how you are the worst president in the history of presidents. We will also talk about how you and Hillary left behind our 4 men in Libya to be killed while you and her watched. Then we also will talk about how YOU went to Vegas and acted like it was a videos fault. We will also express our outrage that our Marine is still locked up in Mexico while the president of Mexico still sends his people through our border, that YOU refuse to close, for, we the people, American citizens will have to pay to clothe, feed and shelter so called children who have beards with gray hair and laden with eradicated diseases the United States stopped the spread of decades ago... And while we are discussing our open border we will relish in thought that Eric Holder finally stepped down. We are very happy to see him go and hope with all hope he is prosecuted for fast and Furious that caused the death of another great American, Brian Terry. We hope you follow his lead. We will be chatting about Kathleen Sibelius and Lois Lerner and their fiascoes as well. We also have a new nonscandal to talk about Ebola. That is an deadly virus that can kill many Americans very quickly in case you have played too much golf and havent read your briefings like you are notorious for. So in closing Mr. President, I want you to know we at our family table will be discussing many things. You have given us much to talk about. That is IF we can afford to all gather because the gas prices and the cost of food has risen so drastically since you have taken office and swore on the Bible to uphold our Constitution, which by the way, you have not. When we do gather we will collectively wish YOUR precious Senate has been ripped from you like a scab off road rash and it burns. Wishing America the best by wishing you would resign, An American Family
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 04:02:06 +0000

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