Dear Parasites, While you are busy sucking the life force out of - TopicsExpress


Dear Parasites, While you are busy sucking the life force out of us, in this case, the desire to write more books because you think its funny and youre smart by stealing them, the people who genuinely support us are being harmed. Our actual livelihoods are being harmed. While youre downloading and sharing illegal files of our books with your friends in secret groups that arent so secret, we are busting our asses, neglecting our kids, husbands/wives/boyfriends/girlfriends, personal health, and hygiene writing our next story and praying that enough people read it that we can pay our bills and feed our families. Im not certain what misguided notion you are under that you think its ok to steal from us because the price of our books is so low, but why dont you look at that statement. The price we sell our books for is LOW. Our cost to produce the books is HIGH. We have electricity to run that laptop we write on. We have coffee or nourishment to put into our bodies which is not free. We have the time we take AWAY for our families and friends that we dedicate to making our books the best they can be. We have editors, photographers, cover designers, formaters, swag makers, etc we have to PAY to get our books ready for production. Yet, you callously steal them and share them and think its cute. Do you understand that for the low prices we charge for books, we actually collect a SMALL percentage of that and not the total we sell them for? We have to pay a commission to the sites we sell them on. It can be from 30% up to 80%. Yes, so for that inexpensive book you STOLE, had you actually bought it, we wouldnt have pocketed the list price. Do you understand how many books we have to sell to simply BREAK EVEN before we even start to collect a profit. Yes, those profits are what allows us to fund and produce future books. You obviously like them, because you keep STEALING them. Do you know what happens when a persons drive and creativity is compromised by the disgusting actions of you and people like you? We stop writing books. Then you stop having books to steal. Not only are your actions as annoying as the knats that continually buzz around your ears, but they are also illegal. Did you know that if you share an illegal file of our book in asecret group and we get a screenshot of that along with your name, we can sue you? Thats right. You broke the law. You are distributing a low priced book that is not your intellectual property and is in fact COPYRIGHTED by the author or publisher. Did you know the penalty for that can be thousands and thousands of dollars? And you have your nice profile photo with your kids in it and your name right there for us. When we search you it tells us where you live. It tells us where you work. Is that lawsuit worth the under $5 book you stole?! You see nothing is secret and everything can be traced. You want to read our books BUY them. If you cant afford them, may I suggest a library card. Those are in fact free. You want t keep having books to READ then SUPPORT the authors who WRITE them! STOP STEALING OUR WORK! Sincerely, One fed up author. Author Skye Turner
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 23:32:26 +0000

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