Dear Parents, Friends, and Supporters, As you must by now be - TopicsExpress


Dear Parents, Friends, and Supporters, As you must by now be aware, the School Board has not yet found a way to keep our Elementary Band Program intact for the upcoming school year - they are planning to eliminate this program from the 2014-2015 budget, which means our students will no longer be able to participate in 4th or 5th grade band here in Daniel Boone. We as parents and friends know that this is not the best route for our students. The school board meets Monday night, May 19th, at 7:30 in the Middle School Auditorium - PLEASE think about coming out with other friends, parents, and supporters, to let the board know just how valued this program is to all of us!!! A few parents to speak to the board on the necessity and desire to keep the elementary program can only help us - and dozens of parents in the audience to show visible signs of support would be immeasurable. Several Booster members have spoken with some of you already - keep spreading that word and come show your support tonight!!! The school board will be submitting the budget within weeks, so time is of the essence here!! Let our school board and administration know that they could use the estimated $300,000 current year surplus, or some fund balance, to retain elementary band and the benefit of music instruction during the school day for your kids. More kids would be able to participate if the program stays in place as it is currently. And please forward this email to any and all members of the community who may not have already signed up for these updates and encourage them to speak to our school board and district administration too!! We cant expect decisions to be made for us if those making them dont have all the information and input from us, the parents and taxpayers. Thank you for your time.
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 10:16:58 +0000

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