Dear Parents, In the three weeks since Mayor de Blasio - TopicsExpress


Dear Parents, In the three weeks since Mayor de Blasio overturned three of our co-locations, I’ve been so inspired by the support and action of our community — parents and teachers writing op-eds, signing the Harlem Central #SaveThe194 petition, calling and emailing our state leadership, tweeting and posting and getting our message out on social media. It’s been extraordinary but I am not surprised. The quality of education for our children matters to you — you believe all children deserve great schools — and that is worth standing up for. I also want to make sure you know that we are not alone. We have received an outpouring of support from people across the city, the state, even the country. Families for Excellent Schools, a parent advocacy group that has also done incredible work on behalf of all public school children, has taken parent voices and given them even further reach on TV and online. If you havent seen it yet, one of their videos features the recent Albany rally and other events where charter families have stood strong together — you might see some familiar faces! You can check it out here. The support gives us so much hope — but there is still so much at stake. Governor Cuomo and the State Senate are working to make sure that all public school children are treated equally – including charter school children. Just last week the State Senate put forth real legislative proposals that stand up for charter schools. But right now they are just proposals. Parent voices and input can make a difference! Go today to to contact your state legislator and make sure your voice is being heard! Let them know why this school option is important to you, and that ALL children need access to great schools. I want you to know we are doing everything in our power to save Harlem Central, Jamaica and City Hall. We will also never stop working to improve education for all children across the city, so that no family will have to depend on a random lottery — or face legal challenges — to find a quality school option for their child. Ive included below a sampling of some recent articles, including some from Success parents and teachers! I’m so proud to be a part of our incredible Success Academy community. Warmly, Eva Recent Press: Don’t Write Off My Son By Shea Reader New York Post, 2/28/14 Mayor de Blasio Is Making a Huge Mistake by Closing Our Child’s Charter School By Maceo Marquez and Jessica Toonkel Business Insider, 3/20/14 Whats Missing from de Blasios Analysis: School Quality By Richard Whitmire New York Daily News, 3/7/14 Why is New York Mayor Bill de Blasio undermining charter schools? Editorial Board The Washington Post, 3/10/14 The De Blasio Paradox: Private Money and Public Schools By Andy Smarick Education Next, 3/11/14 New York, Chicago, and the war on charter schools Editorial Board The Chicago Tribune, 3/17/14 Eva Moskowitz Founder and CEO Success Academy Charter Schools
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 22:21:41 +0000

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