Dear Passive Earners, It’s been a long time since my last post - TopicsExpress


Dear Passive Earners, It’s been a long time since my last post and as well as introduction of the multi-language system – I am sorry for that. There is nothing worse then a silent webmaster. Due to lack of time I wasn’t able to get my hands on FTP server and sort the blog issues. As you – It’s done now. I hope you haven’t gone anywhere, and you are still sticking with me! This post will be dedicated to overall overview of the things happened and few future projects. Let me start with the event that happened before the break in communication – JubyAdBank collapse. As much as I liked it, it was obvious – paying 12% daily for two weeks straight is too much. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to withdraw nor at least negotiate for a share of the balance to be withdrawn. That would help a lot of people. I know a lot of people lost, but at the same time a lot of people made a decent return on the investment. I honestly do not know your attitude towards Juby-Je, but – something between us – he will be coming back with another model. I honestly do not know anything more about it, but as soon as I get at least a hint – You will know. I believe it’s also important to highlight the fact that JubyAdBank was believed to be the last revenue share this season. People are really fed up with fast coming-and-vanishing websites. More and more people are joining various hybrid programs that concentrate income source of product sales. Typically autoresponders, blog builders and etc. The meaning of “passive income” has evolved into something bigger. Should we start joining that kind of projects? This is obviously only my observation, You are free to disagree and debate on the case. Few weeks ago I added PennyMatrix. A hybrid of matrix and product selling, only this time ebook case. The monthly cost is $7 and get paid for selling ebooks, for recruiting people and the most important part – matching bonuses, as a bonus you get paid what your direct referral has made. So for example lets say your referral has made $50 – you will be credited additional $50 as a bonus. That’s what matching bonus mean. Sounds sweet, isn’t it? Those who have hard time recruiting – you are able to buy downline at a different website or wait for a spillover from the upline. In case there are additional questions – feel free to contact me, I will be happy to explain how the system works in more words, as well as help you out in any possible way. The latest revenue share in the list – YouGetProfits is starting to get some serious attention. Few days ago it was approved by PayPal and PayPal is an official payment processor supported. You are both able and deposit via it. This just proves that website can be advertising based, rather then a plain ponzi. However, keep in mind that YGP pays only about 3.5% daily. Recently I have been contacted by YGP admin – he asked me to remind You to use your advertising credits. Advertising credits is a powerful tool to use. You might get big spender referrals on the projects you advertise. With the recent changes AdCycleProfit has literally stalled. The new requirements in order to get cycling positions has transformed program from midterm project to a super longterm. I really don’t know how things will go for the managing team, people might simply lose interest. Most of my position have cycled second level, so cycling is pure profit already. I struggle answering If I would make new spends, until it gets back on track for sure. Besides hybrid programs – HYIP’s are getting popular these days. I assume because there are more fair admins then in any other “industry”. KeyStoneLoanDivision is finally back on track after long DDoS attacks. Paying daily and steady – just don’t forget to surf. Freshly added INVOIL is another HYIP that works like a charm, except the withdraw fee. Eh :D CenturionProfits is facing some serious issues. With the SolidTrustPay changes API got messed up and a lot of people got doubled, even tripled payments. Now management is waiting for STP team help to get the issues sorted out. I really hope they do make the fix and get back on track. CenturionProfits has been an awesome earner so far. I have heard about one upcoming revenue share by a trusted MMG forum member. Don’t know, revenue shares are kind of dead. :? I’m literally done with the new multi-language system and it should be uploaded in upcoming days. Please, If You are interested in helping out translating to your native language – feel free to contact me. I would definitely need some help. A small update on payment status – SolidTrustPay payments are sent within 24 hours, however EgoPay is in a delay, sorry. I will try to fix it ASAP. Have a good weekend, see you next week! Dmitry.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 21:18:15 +0000

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