Dear Patricia, (for the attention of Justice Lander) Since my - TopicsExpress


Dear Patricia, (for the attention of Justice Lander) Since my application, on 2nd September , I have presented information and on two occasions contacted the Office, offering to provide further verbal information, or to answer your questions in relation to my complaint. A letter was sent by you on 20th November , in which you advise me that a decision was made to assess my complaint in terms of two different issues. At no time was I ever consulted as to this decision. I presume it was made by your Office in Collusion with DFEEST, as you chose to consult them, but not me. The primary aspect of my complaint was not addressed. You determined on two other issues. My main complaint is in relation to the Integrity of the Payroll Restructure and the threats of Robin Murt and subsequent actions taken by him. Your Office has failed to assess my complaint correctly. You determined what issues you would investigate and determined I was to have no further input into your inquiries. DFEEST, however, was given opportunities denied to me. As my main issue has not been attended to, I insist you do not close my file and investigate this far more serious matter that includes the involvement of the CEO. I am available to help you in this matter. I request a personal meeting with Justice Lander to appeal your decision conveyed in the letter. My next choice is to mount a Public Campaign about how my complaint was handled by your Office. I would then welcome a decision by Justice Lander to put me in Jail for two years, if that is what it takes for victims to get Justice. Regards ________________ John Le Raye 528 Military Road, Largs North, SA. 5016 Phone: 08 84497634 Mobile: 0400 497634 e-mail: lerajm@gmail From: John Le Raye [mailto:lerajm@gmail] Sent: Thursday, 5 September 2013 8:01 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Office of Public Integrity - 2013/000004 Importance: High Sensitivity: Confidential Complaint Process. This email is to confirm that on Wednesday 4th September 2013 I attended an interview at the Office of Public Integrity. During this interview, attended by two officers, I provided all original hard copies of documents I want considered. This includes correspondence with the Premier, Attorney General, Ministers, the CEO of DFEEST, and others. I also provided a file and other documents on a USB drive, that includes all emails and information relating to my case. I was required to sign a document concerning the information provided to these officers, but was not provided with a copy of that signed document. I now request a copy of that document, and my originals to be returned, after they have been scanned. I understand the confidentiality requirements. At this meeting I offered to make myself available to the OPI to discuss any aspect of the investigation, and recommendation to the Commissioner Justice Lander. I asked for the opportunity to clarify any questions regarding my application. I will answer any questions truthfully and without delay. I expressed my concern that this matter was being assessed by Public Servants. I expressed my anxiety at the way in which the Equal Opportunity Commission, and the Crown Solicitor had dealt with my complaint to date. I mentioned that I had provided the Equal Opportunity Tribunal with a list of Further and Particulars that DFEEST refused to provide, even though I complied with ALL their own requests promptly. If the OPI has the power to demand this information, I am sure it will further support my case. Surely DFEEST cannot now argue confidentiality, as stated by the Crown Solicitor. I have been trying to expose corruption, and abuse of Public Office in the Dept Further Education since March 2008. My requests for an Independent Inquiry have been ignored. The strategy of Labor and Senior Public Servants is simply to not respond. When they do, they say I need to get legal advice. I have tried all avenues open to me. The Equal opportunity Commissioner dismissed my case as out of time. The Attorney General advised me to go to the Equal opportunity Tribunal. Then DFEEST fought my case as out of time, denying me the right to have my complaint heard. I then went to the Ombudsman, who also is subject to out of time constraints. Victims are ignored and Criminals are protected in our Public Service. This is my next step. I have taken my case to the ICAC, in good faith that something will now happen. I ask the OPI to consider the human aspect of Corruption. Victims are treated horribly, and then have to deal with a process that has no compassion for the circumstances. Lives and careers are destroyed. It becomes too much for some. I have a belief that the OPI is and office that HAS integrity, and is not just an office FOR integrity. Please prove me correct. Victims should be provided with a confidential email contact. None is shown on your letter. It is inappropriate to have to go through the admin office. Please confirm receipt of this email. Regards ________________ John Le Raye 528 Military Road, Largs North, SA. 5016 Phone: 08 84497634 Mobile: 0400 497634 e-mail: lerajm@gmail This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the named recipient. If you receive this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by return Email and destroy the original and any copies. You, must not disclose, use or distribute the information contained in this message or any attachments to it.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 09:58:05 +0000

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