Dear Patriot, Can any of you explain to me just what immigration - TopicsExpress


Dear Patriot, Can any of you explain to me just what immigration rights are? In a Labor Day address President Obama may have given away his plan for unilateral action by Executive Order to grant amnesty to at least 5 million people here illegally. Falling back on the hope and change narrative he said, “Hope is what gives young people the strength to march for women’s rights and workers’ rights and civil rights and voting rights and gay rights and immigration rights.” At every turn, leftists seem to pull another right out of thin air, seemingly to give them cover for their lies and plans to destroy our nation from within. Nowhere in our laws or Constitution does someone have the right to sneak into America illegally. Someone forgot to tell them that the word illegal alien means that from the first step across the border, they broke the law. The world is coming apart at the seams with Islamic extremists beheading another American, an out of control Ebola epidemic in Africa that could spread here and Russia and China taking advantage of a weak President to expand their reach. For President Obama, its all golf and immigration rights. There are not enough Republicans in the House with the backbone to file Articles of Impeachment against this President and a Harry Reid controlled senate would not even take up the issue. Its up to us to change that. The November elections are coming fast and we have a good chance to win a majority in the Senate and pick up a greater margin in the House of Representatives. We are going full speed ahead thanks to the great Patriots who are supporting our efforts to educate voters on what really matters, the truth.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 14:30:43 +0000

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