Dear Patriot, Conservatives know that Lindsey Graham is an - TopicsExpress


Dear Patriot, Conservatives know that Lindsey Graham is an establishment Republican who has been a disaster for the people. As the “BFF” of Senator McCain, Graham has proven himself over and over a weak minded leader who chooses self serving crony DC politics over the old fashion role of “servant of the people”. Help us fight RINO’s like Lindsay Graham and the mega war chest behind him. We put out a call for good conservatives to stand up against this man and ensure that Lindsey receives less than 50% of the votes in the election causing a runoff. We’re going back to South Carolina to get out the message of Lindsey Graham’s Big Government, Big Tax, Big Amnesty record. We are holding a Candidates Forum & Drive In of classic cars in Spartanburg on Labor Day (September 2nd), your generous contribution helps us make a difference. Our last trip to South Carolina was a big success thanks to your SUPPORT. After returning one of the good guys working for us in the State House in South Carolina put it all on the line to do the right thing and ensure that Lindsey Graham has no chance of a win in 2014. One of the South Carolina’s brightest state Senators to stand up for the Constitution, Lee Bright has a proven record of conservative ideals in action. If Lindsey Graham’s record is his biggest weakness, Lee Bright’s record is his shining strength. From supporting Western PAC’s Day of Resistance rally to protect the Second Amendment last February to being selected as one of just four “Taxpayer Heroes in the Senate” by the South Carolina Club for Growth, Bright represents what you and I are fighting for. Pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, pro-responsible, ethical and accountable government, there’s a lot to like about Lee Bright. If you’d like to follow Lee Bright’s progress throughout the campaign, we suggest that you “like” his page on
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 18:02:11 +0000

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