Dear Patriot, The Republican establishment just sold us out. - TopicsExpress


Dear Patriot, The Republican establishment just sold us out. Mitch McConnell received his $3 billion of silver to betray the base and the grassroots, via an amendment authored by Lamar Alexander. Theyre such sluts for a good porking, and their explanation strains credulity: we had to spend $3 billion on a dam to make sure the taxpayers didnt lose $160 million. Thats Washington math at its finest. President Obama made one concession: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sibelius will certify that income verification measures are in place to verify eligibility for Obamacare subsidies. That certification will consist of a letter to Congress, and it will be followed by GAO reports that reveal how much of a liar Kathleen Sibelius is. And yes, thats right: those income verification measures werent already in place. It takes $2.9 billion to put Mitch McConnell on his knees before President Obama, whoring himself out and betraying his Kentucky constituents. Theres no relief for the good people of Kentucky or their families, who will see their premiums go up and their available providers go down. Their senator didnt bother to insist that President Obama face the music for his unconstitutional and illegal delay of the employer mandate, or the out of pocket limits, until 2015. Theres good money to be made betting on another delay in 2015. This is war. Were not going to stand by as the whores in Washington betray us and their constituents to send money to their crony sugar daddies, including the pharmaceutical companies who stand to make an estimated $35 billion in profits from Obamacare. Were not going to stand by while insurance companies charge their policyholders huge premium increases for out of pocket limits that wont be in place until 2015. Were going to burn Mitch McConnell and his parliament of whores at the stake in 2014 and 2016. Thats right, were coming in multiple election cycles for revenge. Washington might not be helping you, or working families, but its damn sure taking care of its own. Take recently deceased Senator Frank Lautenbergs widow, whose worth is $56 million: the Senate made sure she got another $174,000 of your money as a final payout. They did this while youre struggling to make ends meet, because whats another $174,000 of somebody elses money among millionaire politicians and their families? These 81 whores curbstomped liberty and defecated on the Constitution yet again tonight. We arent going to forget. Were coming in 2014, and they will hear us coming. They will remember this day and rue it, and we will pour forth the fires of your wrath upon their heads. Were not running away, and we are not beaten. This is but one battle, and we are turning tonights defeat into a historic triumph. Every dollar you contribute to us is a bullet aimed at the heart of the status quo in Washington, a bullet aimed at the parliament of whores and traitors who sold you out tonight. While the Senate did not respect our will tonight, they will fear our will in the primaries and they will know our resolve in the general election. We are coming, and we are never going to stop until we take down every last one of these 81 whores. You arent funding a political campaign. Youre funding a revolution. Your donations are history-making ammunition to execute those who spat in your faces tonight with their vote. Its time to take these whores and traitors out. Donate today, and know that your dollars will rain down like mortars on those who betrayed us tonight in 2014. A season of vengeance is upon us, and it is time for the establishment to reap what it has sown. Donate today, and destroy those who are destroying our country from within with increased debt and crony deals. Donate here today Thank You, Dustin Stockton Co-Founder
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 22:26:53 +0000

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