Dear Patriots and our friends, The RINO Says: “I’m a - TopicsExpress


Dear Patriots and our friends, The RINO Says: “I’m a common-sense conservative” (Except when he’s not) March 20, 2014 By Katie Leave a Comment. During a town hall Tuesday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was asked whether he was a moderate. His response? “I’m a common-sense conservative.” No. Words. Filed Under: Big Government, Government Corruption, RINO Says Tagged With: Big Government, Chris Christie, Government Corruption, RINO Says The Hyppo Says: My minimum wage hike will ensure you lose your job March 20, 2014 By Katie 5 Comments Obama is dead set on raising the minimum wage… even though 38% of employers have said they’ll lay off workers if it’s hiked to $10.10/hour. Higher minimum wage: guaranteed to increase unemployment! Filed Under: Big Government, Hyppo Says, Minimum Wage, Obama Tagged With: Big Government, Hyppo Says, Obama Study: 38% of employers will lay off workers if minimum wage is hiked March 20, 2014 By Katie 2 Comments Aside from Obamacare, liberals’ foremost concern is income inequality and the minimum wage. Obama has urged Congress to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10/hour, while some fast-food workers are protesting increasing the rate to a ridiculous $15/hour. Serious economists everywhere agree that raising the minimum wage is not a good idea (ever heard of supply and demand?), but the Left just doesn’t seem to get it. However, perhaps this statistic will finally get the point across: a new study has found that 38% of employers will lay off workers if the minimum wage is increased: Express Employment Professionals, the nation’s largest privately held staffing firm, surveyed 1,213 business owners and human resources professionals nationwide asking them if they would be impacted if the minimum wage was increased. Roughly 54 percent of the study participants said they would reduce hiring and 65 percent said they would raise prices on their goods and services. Bob Funk, the CEO of Express and a former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City said in a press release, “But based on this survey, there’s no denying that raising the minimum wage will result in layoffs, reduced hiring, and higher prices at a large chunk of American companies. How severe will those effects be? That remains to be seen, but policymakers will certainly want to be mindful of this reality as they legislate.” Still think it’s a good idea to raise the minimum wage? Filed Under: Big Government, Minimum Wage, Obama Tagged With: Big Government, minimum wage, Obama White House estimates 20% haven’t paid Obamacare premiums March 20, 2014 By Katie 2 Comments White House press secretary Jay Carney has finally admitted that a fair number of Obamacare “enrollees” have not yet paid their premiums: Carney was asked how many of the enrollments the administration has been touting have paid. “We don’t have specific data that’s, you know, in a reliable enough form to provide,” he concluded. “We can point you to major insurers who have placed that figure at 80 percent, give-or-take, depending on the insurer,” Carney said. That means at least 20 percent of enrollments, or one million, don’t have coverage. Official figures probably won’t be released until well after the open enrollment period has passed. Despite Carney’s excuse, there is reliable data out there. Goldman Sachs estimates that once open enrollment closes only 4 million Americans will have paid, versus the 5.5 to 6 million the Obama administration will say have enrolled. Of those, just 25% are expected to be previously uninsured. Similarly, a survey by consulting firm McKinsey and Company found that only 77% of “enrollees” will pay before the deadline, with only 27% being previously uninsured. These estimates put total true Obamacare enrollment between 3.85 and 4 million by the end of March. Filed Under: Big Government, Obamacare, Repeal Obamacare, Socialized Medicine Tagged With: Big Government, ObamaCare, Repeal and Replace ObamaCare Obama compares himself to Cesar Chavez in effort to sell agenda March 20, 2014 By Katie 13 Comments Obama has proven he’ll go to any length and stoop to any level to sell Obamacare, immigration reform, the minimum wage increase and any and everything else he stands for. Most recently, prior to a White House screening of the film Cesar Chavez, Obama compared his struggle to promote his agenda with the struggle of the labor rights leader: “Cesar himself said that he spent his first 20 years working as an organizer without a single major victory,” Obama continued. “But he never gave up. He kept on going, and the world is a better place because he did. And that’s one of the great lessons of his life. You don’t give up the fight no matter how long it takes. No matter how long the odds, you keep going, fueled by a simple creed — sí, se puede.” “We’ve got to keep fighting to make sure that our economy rewards the hard work of every American with a fair and living wage and equal pay for equal work,” he said. “We’ve got to keep working to fix our broken immigration system. This is an example of where this is hard, but we’ve made progress and we are going to get this done. This is going to happen. It’s not a matter of if, just a matter of when. And I want it to happen now, so we are going to keep on pushing.” Could this guy get any more self-centered? - See more at: americanlibertypac/#sthash.olGiyxHS.dpuf
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 15:25:34 +0000

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