Dear Phil, From Wednesday there will be heavy rains predicted. - TopicsExpress


Dear Phil, From Wednesday there will be heavy rains predicted. These are winter monsoon time and the cyclones up to Nov. end. Yes, this has certainly scared our staff, members, Board and all the animals in the shelters and Kindness Farm. But the behaviour of the road ones are completely different. I will send you photos of dogs that we were feeding during the cyclone winds and they were all over. I was concentrating on the road and outreach and coordinating with Raj and Sarada at the shelters . For the birds with the persons there. The authorities have said much but their work magnitude is huge for the humans so we are left for the animals. I was just amazed at the wind and how this was going. For 20 hours the wind pounded Visakha. And the after issues follows. Mallika is sick and she needs urgent shifting as no power and no sleep. A genset is not helpful when we have no fuel. Everyone is fighting on the roads for essential needs. We are taking water from the well and cooking food for the 2000 odd animals per day. Everything is costly and at high rate. I made a 4 page note for all action to be taken by the shelters and for the office and outreach programme 4 days in advance. So we have buffer stocks. But we are trying to get more just in case. I hope power will come soon. Until then my writing is uncertain so please excuse me. The one that you inaugarated the NetAP cattle shed the second one has been blown away. The NetAP cat building at the Kindness Farm the outer mesh boundary and the cats sheets and pictures etc. have been badly damaged beyond repair. ABC building is bare in the shelter so ABC programme is a setback but I will go back to the olden days with the mobile kennels for now while rebuilding. The huge mango tree under which we were discussing about the land to be purchased in the Kindness Farm has been uprooted. What a shame. The wood can be used. Most trees uprooted and we are working for helping the animals as well the greenery restoration. This cyclone has certainly taught our people to not take easy when there is cyclone announcement. They were of the opinion that everytime a cyclone is heading us it gets diverted a bit so the impact is lesser but this time they were found wanting. The cyclone centre passed over us vide Hrishkonda near to our Shelter 1. There were no rains but just the howling winds. The death reports is much higher as they do not know the incidences. The sky was filled with flying objects for 20 hours almost. Thank you for the camera. This was handy. I do not know if this is good during the rains but I used it extensively. Thanking Trix for this useful gift. The thatched sheds 2 numbers for the emus have been blown away. I feel stronger and feel much more focussed and much thinking ahead and I am happy to be here amidst all these disaster and helping the sorrowing ones. Bringing and sharing their emotions. I will restore the shelters faster than before and I will reach out to the animals outside and to the birds. I am doing this by our dedicated teams who are there from the day of the typhoon itself. These situations will keep coming and we will get better prepared. But now I need to think with economical strategies with safety measures. Trees and plants I cannot stop from being uprooted but I intend to now replant those that have stood this fantastic onslaught.Andwant to hug all my staff and all my animals and all my trees and plants that have stood. I pray for those animals who died more due to old age and ask for forgiveness that I could not save them. I grief for those plants that died and I pray for those that ails. I will plant trees that have stood the ground. I promise to plan more stronger to deal with even 250 Kmp cyclone. The cost will be higher but worth for everything. I want to prove a place of 1000 % safety. No animal and human should die because of this cyclone. I want to make a special place where to hide the old and sick. We did not have much for the cattle but all the special needs survived as we shifted them and covered them with gunny sacks. Tarzan the old cat is sick but he has survived. Our all RCC buildings have survived. At Kindness Farm no casualty to any animals. The impact was huge in Shelter 1 because of the closeness to the beach. I will get back soon as possible with unfolding news. Hopefully good as we rescue more. But it is so challenging to save them when the shelter is bad and not much workers. But have hired more and those who can afford to come. Actually this brings my schooldays back with a bang. The experience that I had gathered when had nothing will put to use. Which means will have pockets of friendly animal welfare areas until our shelters are back and this is for a period of one week. Provided no more rains and cyclones otherwise a few more weeks. I need to boost the morale of all. I need to visit all. Kind regards. Pradeep Kumar Nath, Founder / President,
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 10:12:42 +0000

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