Dear Pot Noodle (yes, I ate a Pot Noodle), since I won a pair of - TopicsExpress


Dear Pot Noodle (yes, I ate a Pot Noodle), since I won a pair of World Cup themed Budgie Smugglers two and a half months ago, we have gad some fun. You dont tell me anything for a month and a half, then you say Sorry, we have been overwhelmed with the response to our World Cup competition. Prizes will be out shortly. The you ask me if Id be prepared to accept an alternative prize. Ok I say. Then we hear again that you have been overwhelmed with competition responses. I email your customer services asking how many winning lids you printed and whether they corresponded in any way to the amount of prizes you had, and that surely you had the prizes in your warehouse before you launched the competition. Oh?, you replied, no we didnt, were having supply problems. I receive no answer. I post the same on your Facebook pages and on Twitter. Still no reply. I email Unilever (Pot Noodles parent company). No reply from them either. I repeat all three processes. Still no reply. I ring Pot Noodle customer services, get nowhere. Ring up again and speak to someone else. Get an apology. I explain to the man how to run a competition, i.e have prizes in place before launching a competition and make sure the number of winning lids you print corresponds with the number of prizes. He said an outside agency was running the competition. I ask for a letter from the agency explaining why they had no prizes and whether they knew how to run a competition. Still waiting for that. World Cup has come and gone so now all the World Cup themed prizes are now useless. I see from Twitter and Pot Noodles Facebook page that hundreds of people are angry and still waiting for their prizes and an explanation. I email Pot Noodle customer services again and ask if they want to borrow a marker pen and cross out 2014 and replace it with 2018, ready for Russia. I receive no reply again. Anyway, a small package arrives in the post this morning. What is this I wonder? I open it. Oh, its my Pot Noodle Spinning Fork that they sent me as a replacement for my missing or non-existent World Cup themed Budgie Smugglers! With excitement I pulled the little tag from the battery compartment and pressed the on button, ready to step back in amazement when the fork spun round in my hand. I pressed the button, oh, nothing, I pressed it again. A slight wirring but definitely no spinning. Pot Noodle have sent me a spinning fork that doesnt spin. Please send me another one out or I shall be contacting you again. Oh and please dont call me mate, they way your company has treated me, I am not your mate...
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 15:04:23 +0000

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