Dear Praying Friends and Family, I thought I ought to let you - TopicsExpress


Dear Praying Friends and Family, I thought I ought to let you know how we are doing. We want you to know how to keep on praying for us. It is very important for us to know that you are lifting us up. I am doing pretty well since Sandy’s passing. The girls are around a lot and that helps. However Vernon and I are getting used to some quiet times since Aimee went home to NYC and Bethany is back at work. We are all working at finding our new normal. Our lives were always so unpredictable with Sandy’s illness that this “more normal” lifestyle is still a big change for all of us. However, our lives have always been so busy and unpredictable that we aren’t really sure what “normal” is. The other day as Vernon and I were sitting in the den, he said to me, “It’s kind of lonesome around here without everybody else.” I agreed with him. However, I am also glad for some alone time and quiet time. Sandy and I both always needed this kind of time and I am finding it to be a significant aid in the healing of my heart. We all miss Sandy a lot and we are constantly reminded of her in so many ways, especially as we are trying to get the house and “things” in order after this last 18 months of “putting it off until Sandy is better”. I think we are working through these huge changes pretty well. We still have our moments and tears, but we continue to talk and keep track of each other and I think that is good. I am recovering slowly but steadily from the surgery. I still have a couple of spots that are pretty sore, especially by the end of the day. I am doing my best to keep to my schedule of not getting back into a work schedule, except for Sunday church attendance, until the first week in November. Even then I have been encouraged to go slowly about getting engaged in the ministry again. Thanks for your understanding and encouragement in this regard. I am planning on re-engaging slowly through the months of November and December with the hope that I will be pretty much back to a full schedule by the first of the year. Like with my heart surgery in 2007, I expect it will be 6 months to a year before I am fully recovered. I guess I need to get to bed. Thanks again for your love and prayers. We love all of you very much. Robin
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 02:51:10 +0000

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