Dear Precious Boy, My heart was broken on the day you found me. - TopicsExpress


Dear Precious Boy, My heart was broken on the day you found me. How could any furbaby in the world hold a candle to Misty, taken so unexpectedly and so cruelly by a dog attack? But although I dont like pet shops as a choice to adopt... your human auntie Donna took me to a western Sydney pet store to see if there was a friend who would fill the void in my heart that Misty left. When I walked into that store, I saw you standing in a little glass enclosure with the rest of your brothers and sisters. You were the biggest and the cheekiest, and you had your front paws pressed against the glass, looking right at me. You had a very cheeky smile (yes, cats can smile... they smile with their eyes). I originally had the name Ollie in my mind, wanting to name you after one of my best friends. But when I held you, and you opened your mouth WIDE, showing all your teeth, with an adorable squeak coming out that Ill bet you thought was your best roar... and the downy fluff around your neck and the back of your head was all ruffled up from all my patting and kissing, you told me your name... LEO... because you are a LION... in a little cats body. Then when I was told that you were born on the 4th November, the same day as my dad... it was only just another sign that you were my soulmate, come to find me, to take care of me, to pick up where Misty had left off. I adopted you at just 2 months old. You are 10 years old today. I love you just as much as if I gave birth to you, little man. Youve helped me through so much. And I would be honoured if you decided to stay here for another 10 years, but thats up to you and God. I will just cherish every moment that I have with you in my life. I might take more photos of you than youd like, and I might give you more cuddles than you would like, because you are so independent and regal, but you are so patient with me. You put up with me when Im happy, sad, mad, silly, sick, depressed, anxious, excited... the lot. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY DARLING. Lots of love Mummy xoxoxoxoxo
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 22:15:10 +0000

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