Dear President Obama, I am on a self-imposed political - TopicsExpress


Dear President Obama, I am on a self-imposed political sabbatical, so in writing, Im breaking my own commitment. But this is important. I have a favor to ask. By almost any metric, the nation is in better shape now than when you took office. Were approaching 5 years of job growth and are adding jobs faster than the rest of the developed world combined. The rescue of the auto industry is over and the taxpayers have been paid back in full with interest. Fewer of our servicemen and women are overseas than in any holiday season for the last ten years and are home with their families. The deficit is at its lowest level in years. I cant imagine anyone who thinks our nation isnt in better shape than it was when you took office 6 years ago. Youve shown some bold moves lately, remaking our immigration policy and opening up relations with Cuba. Youve shown your ability and willingness to act while Congress sits and complains. Theres something else America and specifically the people of Appalachia need you to do. Mr. President, we beg you to end the scourge of mountaintop removal mining. This is one of the most environmentally destructive practices known to mankind, the permanent destruction of some of the most biologically diverse landscapes on earth for a few years of coal. Proponents say it brings jobs and opportunities, but we all know thats not true. The places it has been and is being done are among the poorest and unhealthiest in the nation. People are suffering because of, not in spite of, this practice. Your political opponents and the monied energy moguls will be apoplectic. But do it anyway. Dr. Martin Luther King said, We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. Please, dont put it off. Appalachia thanks you and I thank you. Happy holidays to you and your family. Sincerely, Michael PS, If you could please follow New York Governor Cuomos lead and ban hydraulic fracking nationally, too, thatd be great!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 13:26:39 +0000

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