Dear President Obama, I have heard many people in the last few - TopicsExpress


Dear President Obama, I have heard many people in the last few days spouting all kinds of rhetoric about your Obama Immigration Executive action. Ive heard they shouldnt be penalized by an arbitrary line on a map. Ive heardwe cant deport 5 million people. Ive heard Its not really an amnesty plan. Ive heard just pass the bill that was unilaterally approved by the senate. All those statements are political speak. Here is my take. The Irish have an old saying.Strong fences good neighbors make. The line on the map is our fence. Our fence is not a good one, and it has led to poor neighbors. Coyotes who get paid big money have made a fortune trafficking people illegally into our country. That is partially our fault, but it still is not legal. The northern border doesnt seem to have this situation, because the Canadian government enforces their borders in conjunction with our government. We dont necessarily have that same cooperation from the southern border. My son had a friend from the Czech Republic who life-guarded with him this summer on a temporary work visa. At the end of the summer he respected his time here and returned home. He was legally bound to. If we extend this pardon to one in this country we cannot single folks out by race. So every person from every nation that is here illegally will be GIVEN the right to become an American citizen. This is wrong. By law they are criminals. We cant deport 5 million people? We will soon find out it is 8-15 million people. 8-15 million people who have taken jobs, not paid taxes, benefits they havent paid for and all this is ILLEGAL. By law that makes them criminals. Tax evasion and receiving benefits by fraud. The bill that was passed with the democratic majority in the senate, was the Executive action just signed by the POTUS. It has been held up in the House because it is not a solution. It is another finger in the dike and not enough to stop the flow of illegals into the country. Since the legislative branch of the government according to the constitution is responsible for making laws, and the president is to carry out the enforcement of the laws, then he has acted in direct conflict with the constitution and that is ILLEGAL. . If a person walks into your place of business, takes from you, and doesnt pay for it and walks out the door. It will be illegal. You will have them prosecuted. And that is far less than what these people have done. My ancestors came here originally and settled in South Carolina before the Revolution. They served in almost every major war that has been fought in this country. My wifes family has been here since the Heugenots came over to the South Carolina Lowcountry. Those people paid the price monetarily, physically and with there blood, sweat and dedication. Many others have come to this nation through Ellis Island and San Francisco and other ports of entry legally over the years. They have been naturalized as citizens for hundreds of years, and that is how it is LEGALLY done. So Mr. President if you say you are going to deport all the criminals in this group that would entail the whole group. Everyone who crossed our borders illegally, no matter what country, no matter what color their skin, no matter what their religion, and no matter what they have done since they have been here, are illegal and thus a criminal. You opened this can of worms. Now you must eat them. Do your job. Thanks in advance for your cooperation, John Abercrombie - Irmo, South Carolina PS. Congressman Tom Rice, and Senator Tim Scott,and U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham you may print and use this if you would like.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:15:17 +0000

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