Dear President Obama, People from the Continent of Africa - TopicsExpress


Dear President Obama, People from the Continent of Africa deserve fair Human Rights with better Trading engagement away from Politically Engineered conflicts that come as a result of corruption and impunity. People of Africa too have a right to enjoy benefits from peace and happiness and as well, engage in Trading under favorable conducive environment, just like other people from other parts from Industrialized progressive world. I say this because, the resources from Africa is in the world market where we are all consumers of the same; but looking back and considering the pathetic humanitarian situations at which the resources are acquired from Africa, it is extremely traumatizing. It then calls for moral conviction for which I am compelled to petition you, to face this matter boldly, resolutely without looking back and make firm and conclusive response which will save this pathetic situation and ultimately provide safety-net to the proposed Energy project you sold out during your recent trip to Africa. Since UN Treaties are an internationally credible Law that are as valid as any other Constitutional Law of any Nation in the world, most United Nations ratified their treaties to conform with that of UN. We therefore expec UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki-moon to engage and be fully committed to guiding member States to be in compliant within Policy Agreement of the UN Conventions or face consequences. Every piece of Africa’s land and every ounce of water are protected by the International and UN treaty rights, including treaty rights for specific countries such like Kenya, Congo, Tanzania or any other Nation in Africa, Asia or in Europe where inherent rights are honored and protect. All these rights (be it Human Rights, Governments Constitutional Rights, Trade Security or Climatic Environmental Change) contribute to effects on Environmental Rights thus afflicting human health or destroys and pollutes Nature. They are similarly, related Agreement recognized within International and UN Treaty. The People of Congo, South Sudan, Kenya and other parts of Africa, are constantly attacked from outside invasion from the likes of M23 Rebel Groups. This tends to negate natural development that involves good balanced practices needed for fair trading, with sustained job creation to engage the youth and women from Africa. Since the unscrupulous International Corporate special business interest failed to do fair business deals in Africa, or consult favorably to engage mutually good business practices; the corrupt African Governments found a reason to violate and evade their Responsibilities. As a result, they failed to commit mandated business investment deals on a “Give and Take” to benefit both stakeholders and the investors. But because of humanitarian grounds, and because victims have suffered irreparably, I petition you to engage good Allys to stop this idea of sponsoring Rebel Groups in Africa to kill, destroy, drive away and scare their own local people from their home establishments that result into extreme poverty and deaths instead of advancing development; thus paving ways for extreme business of greed. Land, Waters, Oil or rare mineral resources, should explicitly be utilized within the legal framework of the United Nations International Treaty, where the same, through Legislative consultative system in the Government should provide security to public mandate Land Rights, resource Rights or Taxpayers obligated Jurisdiction …… and this therefore remain a question for Legal Justice system to pursue, remedy and inform. As a matter of concern, the extremely traumatic of humanitarian situation in the Eastern DRC require urgent, bold, resolute, and morally inspired response by the United States with its Allys from other countries to work together to bring life in Congo and in Africa to normality. The Region of Eastern Great Lakes of East Africa are very good people and they are educated and are ready to engage in secured business. This cannot happen when peace and security that offers favorable, friendly and conducive environment to prosper is not assured. In DRC Congo and South Sudan, 70 percent of the economy of these country depends on mining, therefore, any initiative would have to take into account peoples protection under Human Rights and security and livelihoods for the people. We must not under-estimate main purposes and reasons of Terror fighting in Congo and South Sudan. It is because, Corporate Special Business Interest are determined to engage in this failed practice; which in the first place is the reason for Global Economic Collapse, the disease which is now spreading like bush-fire to Kenya and before long, the world will break into the 3rd world war as people have reached their limits. Currently, sponsored Private Rebels are terrorizing people and Mercenaries who engage in Pirating, illegal Money Laundering, illegal transfer and sale of fire-arms with other sophisticated weaponry, Trafficking of child prostitution with Drug trade in the Great Lakes Regions has become the order of the day. The states surrounding the Great Lakes – including Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia, Kenya, and the DRC – have coalesced around these issues without proper management plan to develop a plan of action that requires effective coordination to ensure, there is credibility for security monitoring and as well the Rebel Groups are dismantled and must be driven out of Congo with their foundation completely destroyed. To save a situation, a workable sustained process for solution must be established so that, those affected communities who are victims of circumstances get involved in Nation building and are compensated of their loses. A targeted sustained development project instead of Aid, must urgently be put to effect in these regions, otherwise, those who conspired to create the mess for their advantage, would be the same beneficiaries fronting for the AID Funding and as a result, there will be no tangible effective result for remedy that shall have been implemented……..”since the funding will have gone to those who planned for the damage in the first place”………What a double tragedy that would be !!! It is an open secret with credible documented reports both from the UN, African Envoys and by the NGOs stating that, although Governments in these regions face considerable challenges from the growing strength and sophistication arms by these rebel groups in the Region, trade across borders only benefit the corrupt politicians with their network of Corporate Special Business Interest to a large extent, leaving out local people dug deeper and buried into poverty which is greatly alarming. It is unfortunate that, Pirating and smuggling is growing dangerously in this region and there is urgent need to stop these as well from getting out of control in Africa. Establishment of Functioning Civil Society: Management of Civil Society and Engagement of the Government to observe and follow the Constitutional policies for public mandate is crucial and very necessary. Since the Government is for the people, Civil Society have rights to be equipped with knowledge to organize themselves so to protect and preserve their Pivotal roles in the Society through engagements. Civil society guarantee sustainability through popular participation to facilitate a functioning Democracy with good Governance that are established under Just Rule of Law; and by engaging and managing their affairs with humanitarian issues, the Civil Society are able to assist the government in managing their welfare in their Community Organization. Civil Society must be engaged in training in order to help in strengthening the government system to expedite service on time by creating awareness to the community. Any other matters of human rights abuses and the need to protect Rights through policy enactment is a ways to preserve Africa’s minerals trading in a more beneficial and sustainable manner. This Natural Mineral Wealth do not last for ever, and it is our responsibility that we engage to do the right thing. Consequently, the information exchange encourage the civil society’s participation as Watch-dog that monitors the bad behavior of government employees with reason to re-call irresponsible elected Officials who failed to perform with integrity. Moving forward in boosting education and security for civil society on the ground is extremely important and definitely essential. The U.S. government, must support initiatives for Congo, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania with peace initiative to create management re-organization to provide conflict-free supply chains. If more revenue is invested to legitimizing supply chains, Trading benefits for USA will grow more than where we are presently. A greater substantial proportion of the problem will have been solved, paving ways for sustainable Trading processes in the Region to compete fairly under conducive environment that has lesser challenges. Progress must be swift and fast in order to establish order and discipline for general rule to take effect where all Trade mutually in a fair manner. For this to happen there is need to establish a lasting impact that will bring solution. We must follow up on uniformity to Mineral Certification process on all types of Natural Mineral Resource business that involve Oil, Gold, Diamond, Titanium, Colta, Land, Water with observance of International Treaty with United Nations Conventions. I await to hear from you favorable.....I beg to remain, Sincerely, Judy Miriga Diaspora Spokesperson & Executive Director for Confederation Council Foundation for Africa USA socioeconomicforum50.blogspot email: jbatec@yahoo
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 02:23:24 +0000

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